Telexistence Robot H lets you see, hear, and feel through it

[This new telepresence robot has capabilities that make it more like a “real life” avatar for users. The short story is from SoraNews24, where it includes a different image and a 1:45 minute video. For more information see a story in Forbes that considers the robot’s potential use for remote shopping, and a press release via Digital Journal. –Matthew]

Japanese telecom company unveils robot that lets you see, hear, and feel through it [Video]

The only problem is that it looks like a killing machine compared to domestic robot Pepper.

Koh Ruide
June 4, 2018

When Japanese telecommunications company Softbank made Pepper, an emotional robot with intelligent speech capabilities, they took great care in making it look friendly enough to us humans.

But when rival company KDDI revealed their own version of a robot called Model H, a shiver ran up everyone’s spines. Seeing this ominous-looking machine rolling down a corridor would be rather unnerving to say the least.

But look past the menacing appearance and the robot’s usefulness becomes apparent. Operation can be performed through the Internet, transmitting visual information, sound, and even physical sensations via inbuilt tactile sensors.

Model H thus becomes a real-life avatar of sorts, allowing users wearing specially-designed gloves and a VR headset to feel what the robot experiences. People can touch and feel products before they purchase them online, or enjoy touring scenic spots of other countries, all in the comfort of their own home.

Despite the android’s numerous practical applications, netizens agree its chilling visage resembles that of a harbinger of death.

“Its eyes seem like they’ll turn red and rebel against humanity.”
“It’ll definitely drag a bunch of Peppers around while uttering ‘Humanity isn’t needed’.”
“Black Pepper is here.”
“Its eyes really look like an alien’s.”
“Improve the design, please.”

Given its ease in expressing movements, Model H usage would have to be tightly regulated in the future, since we can’t have androids going around performing rude gestures in public. Nevertheless, using it as an extension of ourselves could be a huge step forward for humankind as a whole.

Source: YouTube/Telexistence Inc., Business Journal, Twitter/@xeno_twit via Hachima Kiko


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