Call: INTERACT 2019 – 17th IFIP TC.13 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction

Call for Papers

The 17th IFIP TC.13 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction – INTERACT 2019
September 2-6, 2019
Paphos, Cyprus

First submission deadline: January 14, 2019

INTERACT 2019 is the latest of a series of conferences on Human-Computer Interaction organized under the aegis of the Technical Committee 13 of the UNESCO International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP). The IFIP TC 13 aims at developing the science and technology of the interaction between humans and computing devices. The first INTERACT conference was organized in London, UK in 1984 and the most recent conferences took place in India (2017), Germany (2015), South Africa (2013) and Portugal (2011).

INTERACT 2019 runs in-cooperation with the ACM Special Interest Group on Human-Computer Interaction (SIGCHI). The 2019 conference will be hosted by the Cyprus University of Technology and supported by Tallinn University.

INTERACT 2019 welcome contributions covering all aspects of Human-Computer Interaction. The areas of interest include, but are not limited to, one or multiple the topics related to HCI. We welcome theories, experiments, tools, reviews, experiences, field work, designs and any other types of contributions through our various tracks.

We invite you to submit your original work to INTERACT 2019 in the following track categories (see for details):

Tracks with submission closing January 28, 2019

  • Full Papers (peer reviewed), abstract due by January 14, 2019
  • Workshops (juried)
  • Field Trips (curated)

Tracks with submission closing April 8, 2019

  • Courses (curated)
  • Short Papers (peer reviewed)
  • Interactive Posters (juried)
  • Demonstrations (curated)
  • Panels (curated)
  • Industry case studies (curated)
  • Doctoral Consortium (juried)

Tracks with submission closing July 12, 2019

  • Student Design Consortium (juried)

All contributions follow a reviewing process being peer reviewed, juried or curated by the members of the international program committee. Student Design Consortium and papers accepted in workshops will be published in the adjunct proceedings. All the other tracks will be published by Springer in the LNCS series.

Outstanding contributions will be considered for awards in the following categories:

  • IFIP Brian Shackel Award: recognizes contribution that draws attention to the need for a comprehensive human-centred approach in the design and use of information technology in which the human and social implications have been taken into account.
  • IFIP TC 13 Accessibility Award: recognizes contributions with international impact in the field of accessibility for disabled users in human-computer interaction.
  • Interaction Design for International Development (IDID) Award: recognizes contribution to the application of interactive systems for social and economic development of people in developing countries.
  • INTERACT Reviewers’ Choice Award: recognize the best 15% accepted papers based on reviewers comments and scores.
  • Selected papers will be invited to extended version to be published in the journal Behaviour & Information Technology


Contributions should be written in English and be formatted according to the Springer LNCS template available at:

Submissions should be submited at:


General Chairs:
Panayiotis Zaphiris, Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus
David Lamas, Tallinn University, Estonia

Technical Program Chairs:
Fernando Loizides, Cardiff University, UK
Marco Winckler, Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, France

Full Papers Chairs:
Helen Petrie, University of York, UK
Lennart Nacke,  University of Waterloo, Canada

Short Papers Co-Chairs:
Jim CS Ang, University of Kent, UK
Evangelos Karapanos, Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus

Interactive Posters Co-Chairs:
Carmelo Ardito, University of Bari, Italy
Zhengjie Liu, Dalian Maritime University, China

Panels Co-Chairs:
Jahna Otterbacher, Open University Cyprus, Cyprus
Darelle van Greunen, Nelson Mandela University, South Africa

Demonstrations and Installations Co-Chairs:
Vaso Constantinou, Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus
Thomas Photiadis, European University Cyprus, Cyprus

Courses Co-Chairs:
Regina Bernhaupt, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Parisa Eslambolchilar, Cardiff University, UK

Workshops Co-Chairs:
Jose Abdelnour Nocera, University of West London, UK
Antigoni Parmaxi, Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus

Doctoral Consortium Co-Chairs:
Nikolaos Avouris, University of Patras, Greece
Andri Ioannou, Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus

Student Design Consortium Co-Chairs:
Andreas Papallas, Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus
Eva Korae, Cyprus University of Technology

Field Trips Chair:
Panayiotis Zaphiris, Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus
Andreas Papallas, Cyprus University of Technology
Anirudha Joshi, IDC, IIT Bombay, India

Industry Case Studies Co-Chairs:
Aimilia Tzanavari, PROTO.IO, USA
Panagiotis Germanakos, User Experience Researcher at SAP, Germany

Further information please visit the web site:


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