Month: May 2023

  • Call: SCRITA 2023: Trust, Acceptance and Social Cues in Human-Robot Interaction – at IEEE RO-MAN 2023

    Call for Papers SCRITA 2023: Trust, Acceptance and Social Cues in Human-Robot Interaction Co-located with IEEE RO-MAN 2023: 32nd IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication Paradise Hotel, Busan, Korea August 28, 2023 Workshop: RO-MAN 2023: Submission deadline: June 30, 2023 Submission link: STATEMENT OF OBJECTIVES People’s ability of accepting and trusting robots is fundamental for a fruitful and successful coexistence between humans and robots. While advanced progress is made in studying and evaluating the factors affecting people’s acceptance and trust in robots in controlled or short-term (repeated interactions) settings, developing service and personal robots…

    Read more: Call: SCRITA 2023: Trust, Acceptance and Social Cues in Human-Robot Interaction – at IEEE RO-MAN 2023
  • Nvidia ACE brings AI to game characters, allows lifelike conversations

    [Non-player characters in games provide important information that brings the human player into the game setting and story. As Business Insider notes, “One video game alone can have dozens — if not hundreds — of non-player characters, or NPCs. Controlled by a computer, these characters range from Tom Nook, who runs the village store in ‘Animal Crossing,’ to Zelda, the princess of Hyrule and namesake of the Nintendo series. Over the past few decades, the graphics and basic dialogue of these characters may have advanced, but the interactions can still feel static and scripted.” To make interactions with NPCs more…

    Read more: Nvidia ACE brings AI to game characters, allows lifelike conversations
  • Call: Designing Conversational User Interfaces for Older Adults – CUI 2023 Workshop

    Call for Submissions and for Participation Designing Conversational User Interfaces for Older Adults A Workshop on Theoretical, Methodological, and Practical Design Perspectives on Designing CUIs for Older Adults At the ACM Conversational User Interfaces (CUI) 2023 conference July 19, 2023 Eindhoven, The Netherlands Workshop: CUI 2023: Submission deadline: Submitted papers will be lightly reviewed by the organizing committee within 10 days of submission (there is no formal deadline) This multidisciplinary workshop aims to tackle the significant gaps in theoretical frameworks, methodological approaches, and exploration of new paradigms within the research and design of Conversational User Interfaces (CUIs) for…

    Read more: Call: Designing Conversational User Interfaces for Older Adults – CUI 2023 Workshop
  • Virtual Experience Research Accelerator (VERA) is first large-scale system to improve XR human-subject research

    [A multi-campus, cross-disciplinary, NSF-funded project is designed to make it easier for researchers to conduct studies of extended reality (XR) experiences and impacts using larger and more diverse sets of participants, as reported in this story from the University of Central Florida. See also a related press release from Lehigh University via Eurekalert! that links to a story about Lehigh Professor Valerie Jones Taylor’s “own research focused on the potential of VR to improve encounters between members of different races.” –Matthew] UCF Leads Development of First Large-scale System for Extended Reality Research The nearly $5 million project will facilitate human…

    Read more: Virtual Experience Research Accelerator (VERA) is first large-scale system to improve XR human-subject research
  • Job: Extended Reality (XR) Solutions Developer (KTP Associate) at Edge Hill university

    Call for Applications Extended Reality (XR) Solutions Developer (KTP Associate) Computer Science Edge Hill University Ormskirk, West Lancashire, England Salary: £33,348 to £36,333 per annum,  Fixed Term for 32 months Post Type: Full Time Reference: EHA2421-0323-R Application deadline: June 4, 2023 ABOUT THE ROLE This role offers an exciting opportunity to lead a trail-blazing extended reality (XR) project in collaboration with the University and our industry company partner, Gener8, on the development of Gener8 Spaces’ new Gener8 XR (G8XR) product. The post will allow a successful candidate to work in a cutting-edge area while driving Gener8’s strategic aim to…

    Read more: Job: Extended Reality (XR) Solutions Developer (KTP Associate) at Edge Hill university
  • The other DWI: Driving while immersed

    [In this essay for TechCrunch, virtual reality expert Jeremy Beilenson argues that virtual reality and other immersive media experiences are dangerously engaging and distracting and therefore do not belong in automobiles. –Matthew] [Image: Credit: 5m3photos / Getty Images] The other DWI: Driving while immersed VR headsets have no place in moving automobiles By Jeremy Bailenson, founding director of Stanford University’s Virtual Human Interaction Lab and author of “Experience on Demand: What Virtual Reality Is, How It Works, and What It Can Do.” May 23, 2023 On May 17, Meta and BMW released a video hailing a joint research breakthrough that will allow…

    Read more: The other DWI: Driving while immersed
  • Call: ETHICOMP 2024 – 21st Intl. Conference on the Ethical and Social Impacts of ICT

    Call for Papers ETHICOMP 2024 21st International Conference on the Ethical and Social Impacts of ICT Smart Ethics: The Leading Role of Ethics in the Digital World Logroño, Spain March 13-15, 2024. Extended abstract submission due: June 15, 2023 We are living in a smart world, where everything looks smart. The use of the term “smart” is a buzzword. Technology becomes the backbone of virtually every aspect of our life: work, relations, health, education, leisure, … In our next international conference, ETHICOMP 2024, we wonder if the current state of technological revolution is truly smart. What does “smart” really…

    Read more: Call: ETHICOMP 2024 – 21st Intl. Conference on the Ethical and Social Impacts of ICT
  • Presence and music: ‘New’ music from The Beatles and others via AI

    [Much of the coverage of the increasingly widespread use of artificial intelligence to generate music is about the complex legal and ethical issues involved (e.g., see Holland & Knight and Rolling Stone). But as the story below from Interesting Engineering notes, the fact that this music is generated by AI is “often not discernible to a follower or a fan,” which represents an important form of presence (a misperception of the role of technology in a mediated experience). An earlier story from Interesting Engineering titled “Scammer sells AI-generated Frank Ocean’s songs, makes thousands of dollars,” begins with this: “We’ve definitely…

    Read more: Presence and music: ‘New’ music from The Beatles and others via AI
  • Call: “AI Aesthetics” issue of SEMEIOSIS

    CALL FOR ARTICLES Journal SEMEIOSIS – Special Issue on “AI Aesthetics” About the Journal: Guest Editors: Alexander Gerner ( Renata Souza ( Vinícius de Aguiar ( Submission deadline: June 15, 2023 “For it is evident that it is in esthetics that we ought to seek for the deepest characteristics of normative science, since esthetics, in dealing with the very ideal itself whose mere materialization thickens the attention of practices and of logic, must contain the heart, soul, and spirit of normative science.”  Peirce (1906, CP 5551). The question of the mere ontological (im-)possibility of “the” creative machine does…

    Read more: Call: “AI Aesthetics” issue of SEMEIOSIS
  • First-person report: Spacetop, the first augmented reality laptop

    [This first-person report from Popular Mechanics describes a new laptop computer that has a large augmented reality display rather than a physical monitor. Particularly noteworthy quotes that refer indirectly to presence include that “it feels surprisingly natural to use, with the potential to usher in a new era of personal computer”; “Spacetop feels like it’s a physical display truly present in the space with you”; and “I enjoyed taking a Teams video call using the giant screen and the conversation felt incredibly immersive, like the effect you get from going to a movie theater.” The original version of the story…

    Read more: First-person report: Spacetop, the first augmented reality laptop
  • Call: ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST 2023)

    Call for Papers/Posters/Demos VRST 2023 ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology Christchurch, New Zealand / In-person only October 9-11, 2023 Submission deadlines: Abstracts: June 12, 2023 Papers: June 19, 2023 Posters and demos: July 2, 2023 The 29th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST) will be held in Christchurch, New Zealand, from Monday-Wednesday, 9-11 October 2023. The event is sponsored by ACM SIGCHI and SIGGRAPH. VRST is a premier international symposium for the presentation of new research results, systems, and techniques among researchers and developers on virtual, augmented and mixed reality (VR/AR/MR, XR for…

    Read more: Call: ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST 2023)
  • ReMotion telepresence robot: Your remote proxy automatically mirrors your movement and body language

    [Researchers at Cornell have developed a telepresence robot that automatically mirrors a user’s physical movements and body language, which appears to enable “a heightened sense of co-presence and behavioral interdependence.” The story below is from the Cornell Chronicle; the new paper describing the project appears in the CHI 2023 Proceedings and features three videos, including a 4:51 minute presentation also available on YouTube. See lead author Mose Sakashita’s website for more interesting presence-related work. –Matthew] [Image: Mose Sakashita, a doctoral student in the field of information science, with the ReMotion robot] I, robot: Remote proxy collaborates on your behalf By…

    Read more: ReMotion telepresence robot: Your remote proxy automatically mirrors your movement and body language

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