Call for Papers
21st International Conference on the Ethical and Social Impacts of ICT
Smart Ethics: The Leading Role of Ethics in the Digital World
Logroño, Spain
March 13-15, 2024.
Extended abstract submission due: June 15, 2023
We are living in a smart world, where everything looks smart. The use of the term “smart” is a buzzword. Technology becomes the backbone of virtually every aspect of our life: work, relations, health, education, leisure, … In our next international conference, ETHICOMP 2024, we wonder if the current state of technological revolution is truly smart. What does “smart” really mean in digital contexts, and what should “smart” signify? If technology becomes smart, what is the impact on computer ethics and digital ethics? It is unquestionable that any smart technology must be ethical in both its development and its uses, but cases of unethical practices in the digital world, which are often hidden by technological determinism, are increasing. The analysis of unethical practices and the search for solutions to create a digitally healthy society is the theme of our next conference: digital ethics should lead the smart revolution, but is it doing so? What should we do to locate digital ethics at the core of the smart revolution? What are the ethical requirements for smart in order that it will sustain societal welfare?
ETHICOMP considers computer ethics conceived broadly to include philosophical, professional, and practical aspects of the field.
We invite submissions that explore this theme, interpreted broadly, as well as more specific tracks addressing particular issues relevant to the conference theme. A more detailed description of each track is available at the online version of Call for Papers.
Initial submissions should take the form of extended abstracts of 1000-1500 words. All accepted extended abstracts will be published in proceedings with ISBN. If their extended abstract has been accepted, authors can voluntarily submit full papers (max. 8000 words) that will be published as a book chapter in the ETHICOMP Book series.
We welcome perspectives from researchers in business, government, computer science, information systems, law, media, anthropology, pedagogy, psychology, sociology, ethics and philosophy. Interdisciplinary papers and papers from new researchers and practitioners are encouraged. Papers can involve a variety of approaches, including those with a conceptual, applied, practical, or historical focus, as well as case studies and reports on lessons learned in practice.
- Extended abstract submission due: June 15, 2023
- Reviews due (accept/accept with changes/reject): September 15, 2023
- Re-submissions due (accept with changes): September 30, 2023
- Final reviews due (accept with changes): October 16, 2023
- Full papers submission: December 29, 2023
- Conference: March 13-15, 2024
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