Month: January 2016

  • Naughty America VR pornography at CES: A first person report

    [Though scholars too rarely study it, presence and sexuality is a fascinating topic – the story below is from Digital Trends, where it includes a 3:56 minute video. More reactions to the CES demonstration are detailed in coverage in PCWorld and Mashable (which features a 3:22 minute video); a thoughtful different analysis can be found in Slate. –Matthew] [Image: Source: Slate] I tried VR porn in a CES hotel suite, and I’ll never be the same By Will Fulton — January 12, 2016 Porn has always been a trailblazer. Throughout the last few decades, the pornography industry has been an…

    Read more: Naughty America VR pornography at CES: A first person report
  • Call: The Power of Presence – ISPR Preconference for ICA 2016 in Kyoto, Japan

    [Please consider submitting an abstract, paper, poster or demo, and help us spread the word about this next ISPR event: ICA’s a great conference, Kyoto was just ranked the World’s Best City by Travel + Leisure magazine, and we have a very cool program planned. Join us in Japan this June! -Matthew] CALL FOR ABSTRACTS AND PARTICIPATION The Power of Presence: Using Telepresence Theory, Research and Applications to Enhance Mediated Communication Experiences in the 21st Century A preconference of the 2016 conference of the International Communication Association (ICA) Co-sponsored by the International Society for Presence Research (ISPR) June 8, 2016…

    Read more: Call: The Power of Presence – ISPR Preconference for ICA 2016 in Kyoto, Japan
  • Call: HRI 2016 workshop: 2nd Workshop on Evaluating Child Robot Interaction

    Call for papers HRI 2016 workshop: 2nd Workshop on Evaluating Child Robot Interaction Location: Christchurch, New Zealand Important Dates: Position Papers submission deadline (extended): 1st February 2016 Notification of acceptance: 7th February 2016 Camera Ready: 15th   February 2016 Workshop Date: 7th March 2016 (Full-day workshop) Website: Submissions should be mailed to Social Media: Twitter hashtag: #evaluatingCRI Facebook group: ABSTRACT AND MOTIVATION Many researchers have started to explore natural interaction scenarios for children. No matter if these children are normally developing or have special needs, evaluating Child-Robot Interaction (CRI) is a challenge. To find methods that work well…

    Read more: Call: HRI 2016 workshop: 2nd Workshop on Evaluating Child Robot Interaction
  • Microsoft AR study projects life-size people into each others’ rooms

    [This Microsoft project suggests the potential of AR to create social (tele)presence; the story is from MIT Technology Review; for a closely related 5:19 minute video, see coverage in Numrush. –Matthew] Augmented Reality Study Projects Life-Sized People into Other Rooms A Microsoft Research study uses augmented reality to project a life-size person into a room with you, perched in an empty seat. By Rachel Metz on January 19, 2016 Nothing beats talking to another person face-to-face, but a group of researchers are considering whether a life-size projection of a person who appears to be sitting across from you in an…

    Read more: Microsoft AR study projects life-size people into each others’ rooms
  • Call: 9th International Conference on Game and Entertainment Technologies 2016

    CALL FOR PAPERS – GET 2016 – Deadline for submissions: 8 February 2016 9th International Conference on Game and Entertainment Technologies 2016 Madeira, Portugal, 2 – 4 July 2016 ( Part of the Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems (MCCSIS 2016) Madeira, Portugal, 1 – 4 July 2016 ( CONFERENCE SCOPE The GET 2016 conference aims to bring together research and practice from creative, social and business practitioners and researchers in this challenging field. The focus of this conference is on design, development and evaluation of games, entertainment technologies and the nature of play. Topics for this conference…

    Read more: Call: 9th International Conference on Game and Entertainment Technologies 2016
  • The future of retail: Beyond stories told, to stories experienced

    [Presence has a big role to play in the evolution of brick and mortar retail in the age of online shopping; this story is from Forbes, where it features more images. –Matthew] The Future Of Retail: Beyond Stories Told, To Stories Experienced By Rachel Arthur Jan 26, 2016 If you’d visited a mall housing a J.C. Penney store over the holidays, you may have been welcomed by a virtual reality experience that took shoppers on an immersive ride to the North Pole. Created with marketing and technology agency Narrative, the “Twas The Flight Before Christmas” initiative was in place in…

    Read more: The future of retail: Beyond stories told, to stories experienced
  • Call: ACM Symposium on Applied Perception – SAP 2016

    CALL FOR PAPERS AND POSTERS ACM Symposium on Applied Perception – SAP 2016 July 22-23, 2016, Anaheim, USA Paper submission deadline: March 25 Poster submission deadline: May 10 The ACM Symposium on Applied Perception (ACM SAP) aims to advance and promote research that crosses the boundaries between perception and disciplines such as graphics, visualization, computer vision, haptics and acoustics. These fields can benefit from the exchange of ideas. The scope of the conference includes applications and algorithms in any area of research that incorporates elements of perception and computer science. Our thirteenth annual event provides an intimate, immersive forum…

    Read more: Call: ACM Symposium on Applied Perception – SAP 2016
  • ‘Perspective; Chapter 2: The Misdemeanor’ lets users experience police brutality from both sides

    [To me this illustrates the true promise of effective presence illusions; the story is from MTV and features two more images; more information on the VR project is available on the Specular Theory website. –Matthew] This Virtual Reality Experience Shows Police Brutality From Both Sides “Perspective; Chapter 2: The Misdemeanor” is a harrowing VR project that lets you experience police brutality first hand. by Crystal Bell January 26, 2016 Most people think of video games when they think of virtual reality, but a burgeoning group of innovative filmmakers are producing narrative VR experiences with the unprecedented ability to affect us…

    Read more: ‘Perspective; Chapter 2: The Misdemeanor’ lets users experience police brutality from both sides
  • Call: Robophilosophy 2016

    CALL FOR PAPERS – INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH CONFERENCE WHAT SOCIAL ROBOTS CAN AND SHOULD DO Robophilosophy 2016 / TRANSOR 2016 October 17-21, 2016 Aarhus University, Denmark FOCUS The “robotic moment” (Turkle 2011) is no longer on the horizon—we are living it now. Given the rapid development in social robotics, we are now at that potential turning point in human cultural history during which we need to react to concrete visions, by the robotics research industry, of placing artificial ‘social’ agents ubiquitously into the public and private spaces of human social interactions. How shall we respond? And who is to respond?…

    Read more: Call: Robophilosophy 2016
  • Go inside a Salvador Dali painting at new museum exhibition

    [The application of virtual reality and presence to the work of surrealist Salvador Dali (and presence experience creator Walt Disney) seems particularly appropriate; this story is from the AP via Business Insider; a 1:16 minute promotional video, a 5:09 minute 360 degree navigable version of the experience, and more information, are available from The Dali Museum. –Matthew] Virtual reality experience highlight of new Dali Museum show Beth J. Harpaz, Associated Press Jan. 22, 2016 Visitors to a new exhibition at The Dali Museum in St. Petersburg, Florida, won’t just be looking at art. Thanks to virtual reality, they’ll be exploring…

    Read more: Go inside a Salvador Dali painting at new museum exhibition
  • Call: IEEE Virtual Reality 2016 Workshop on K-12 Embodied Learning through Virtual and Augmented Reality (KELVAR)

    Call For Participation: The IEEE Virtual Reality 2016 Workshop on K-12 Embodied Learning through Virtual & Augmented Reality (KELVAR) Organized in conjunction with the IEEE Virtual Reality 2016 conference which takes place March 19th to 23rd in Greenville, USA. Workshop Website: DESCRIPTION K-12 education is currently undergoing a technological revolution creating opportunities for Virtual-, Augmented-, and Mixed-Reality based learning. An increasing number of classrooms are being equipped with interactive whiteboards, tablet devices, and personal student computers. This technology integration will continue to increase as mobile devices penetrate into all socioeconomic strata, and as new VR/AR/MR technologies become affordable…

    Read more: Call: IEEE Virtual Reality 2016 Workshop on K-12 Embodied Learning through Virtual and Augmented Reality (KELVAR)
  • Artist creates eerily realistic, presence-evoking Russian dolls

    [As this and other articles on the artist’s work note (without using the term), it’s hard to suppress a presence response to these realistic dolls. The story is from the Huffington Post and features more pictures; for a recent update on research on the Uncanny Valley, see coverage in Slate. –Matthew] Don’t Blink! These Russian Dolls Are So Lifelike They Could Move Captivating videos show Michael Zajkov eerily whittling away blocks of clay into lifelike human beings. 01/21/2016 Nina Golgowski Trends reporter, The Huffington Post When it comes to dolls, Michael Zajkov is not playing around. The Russian artist’s collection…

    Read more: Artist creates eerily realistic, presence-evoking Russian dolls

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