Month: October 2013

  • Call: ACM CSCW 2014 Workshop on Collaboration and Coordination in the Context of Informal Care (CCCiC 2014)

    ACM CSCW 2014 Workshop on Collaboration and Coordination in the Context of Informal Care (CCCiC 2014) February 15, 2014, Baltimore, Maryland (USA) CCCiC 2014 is a workshop at the ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing. It seeks contributions on issues of design and development of systems to support coordination, communication, and collaboration between informal caregivers, their friends, family members, and health professionals, such as:…

    Read more: Call: ACM CSCW 2014 Workshop on Collaboration and Coordination in the Context of Informal Care (CCCiC 2014)
  • Sexualized avatars affect the real world, Stanford researchers find

    [From Stanford News] [Image: Participants in an experiment in Stanford’s Virtual Human Interaction Lab used female avatars in sexualized or non-sexualized dress. Courtesy of Jeremy Bailenson] Sexualized avatars affect the real world, Stanford researchers find A Stanford study shows that after women wear sexualized avatars in a virtual reality world, they feel objectified and are more likely to accept rape myths in the real world. The research could have implications for the role of female characters in video games. By Cynthia McKelvey Stanford Report, October 10, 2013 Researchers at Stanford’s Virtual Human Interaction Lab are delving into questions posed by…

    Read more: Sexualized avatars affect the real world, Stanford researchers find
  • Call: Electronic Visualisation and the Arts (EVA) London 2014

    ELECTRONIC VISUALISATION AND THE ARTS (EVA) LONDON 2014 Tuesday 8th July – Thursday 10th July 2014 Venue: British Computer Society, Covent Garden, London WC2E 7HA CALL FOR PROPOSALS Deadline: 10th January 2014 ELECTRONIC VISUALISATION TECHNOLOGIES IN ART, MUSIC, DANCE, THEATRE, THE SCIENCES AND MORE Offers of papers, demonstrations, panel sessions and workshops by 10th January 2014 We are looking for varied session types. We invite proposals for papers, demonstrations, short performances, workshops or panel discussions. We especially invite presentations on topical subjects, and the newest and cutting edge technologies and applications for the 2014 conference themes. Demonstrations are as…

    Read more: Call: Electronic Visualisation and the Arts (EVA) London 2014
  • The OPHONE transmits virtual coffee

    [From The Next Web, where the post includes more pictures] Wake up and smell the virtual coffee: The OPHONE will take your breath away By Paul Sawers, Thursday, 17 Oct ’13 You’re well-versed in virtual pets, virtual reality and many other virtual variants of physical entities. But what about virtual coffee? Yes, this is a ‘thing’, it seems. The Next Web is at Wired 2013 today in London, where David Edwards, a professor in Biomedical Engineering at Harvard University and founder of Le Labatoire, was on hand to give a glimpse into the future of your favorite caffeinated beverage.…

    Read more: The OPHONE transmits virtual coffee
  • Call: LUDO 2014 – Game Audio Conference

    LUDO 2014 – Game Audio Conference April 10th – 12th 2014 University of Chichester, UK The Ludomusicology research group is pleased to announce the third annual conference on video game sound and music, featuring: Keynote address by Kevin J. Donnelly (Southampton University) Industry sessions with game audio professionals More speakers and events to be confirmed We are currently accepting proposals for 20-minute research papers. While we will consider papers on any topic related to video game audio, the conference themes this year are: Canons and curating game music Simulation, immersion and “the real” in sound and audio Game audio…

    Read more: Call: LUDO 2014 – Game Audio Conference
  • How to attend RoboBusiness conference as a robot

    [From IEEE Spectrum’s Automaton blog; we’ve often noted the irony of flying around the world to meet to discuss telepresence technologies that allow people to not have to fly around the world to meet; how long before we’ll do this for ISPR conferences?!] [Image: A Beam remote presence robot at a conference.] How to Attend Next Week’s RoboBusiness Conference as a Robot By Erin Rapacki Posted 18 Oct 2013 This is a guest post. The views expressed here are solely those of the author and do not represent positions of IEEE Spectrum or the IEEE. If you were hoping to…

    Read more: How to attend RoboBusiness conference as a robot
  • Call: 2nd Global Conference: Transmedia: Storytelling and Beyond

    2nd Global Conference: Transmedia: Storytelling and Beyond Wednesday 14th May – Friday 16th May 2014 Lisbon, Portugal Call for Presentations: The Global Research Project on Transmedia was launched in Sydney, Australia in January 2013 with a programme that brought together researchers, educators, industry practitioners and other stakeholders across the professional and disciplinary spectrum. (The programme is available online at Discussions highlighted critical issues concerning techniques for user engagement; research, pedagogy and curriculum design; and evaluative techniques for complex and dynamic user engagement. The conversations highlighted the diversity of transmedia projects and fostered a greater appreciation of the ways in…

    Read more: Call: 2nd Global Conference: Transmedia: Storytelling and Beyond
  • Too-realistic Halloween tableau frightens neighbors, prompts 911 call

    [From the Washington Post via AP] Halloween display depicting fatalities at Oklahoma home frightens neighbors, prompts 911 call By KRISTI EATON Associated Press Oct 17, 2013 MUSTANG, Okla. (AP) — One man lies on his stomach on the driveway. Blood is splattered along the garage door that smashed his head and presumably killed him. Another man lies a few feet away, run over by a truck. The scene in a middle-class Oklahoma neighborhood made of single-story homes and well-manicured lawns seems out of a horror story because, well, it is. The two accident victims are in fact dummies, created as…

    Read more: Too-realistic Halloween tableau frightens neighbors, prompts 911 call
  • Call: 3rd International Symposium on Pervasive Displays 2014

    The 3rd International Symposium on Pervasive Displays 2014 In cooperation with ACM / SIGCHI 5-6 June, 2014 Copenhagen, Denmark PAPER SUBMISSION DEADLINE: 13 February 2014 Building on the success of the 2012 and 2013 events, we are pleased to announce the call for papers for the 3rd International Symposium on Pervasive Displays. This event will take place in Copenhagen in 2014 and will include a keynote address. In addition to research papers we are also soliciting submissions for posters and demonstrations – see for more details of the submission process for these. CALL FOR PAPERS As digital…

    Read more: Call: 3rd International Symposium on Pervasive Displays 2014
  • Artist Kurt Hentschlager creates immersive experiences of ‘being there’

    [From Pittsburgh City Paper] [Image: Like a wormhole in time: Kurt Hentschlager’s POL] In Hive, the choreography of the figures is mesmerizing and almost mystical by David S. Berger At its best, art will refashion one’s way of seeing. This is true of the latest exhibits by Kurt Hentschlager, an Austrian-born artist who now teaches at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. The exhibits, at Wood Street Galleries and Space, are the U.S. premieres of three works: Hive, Model 5 and POL. From 1993 to 2003, Hentschlager teamed with Ulf Langeinrich in a group called Granular Synthesis, and…

    Read more: Artist Kurt Hentschlager creates immersive experiences of ‘being there’
  • Call: ‘Playgrounds’ – Special issue of Media Fields Journal: Critical Explorations in Media and Space

    Media Fields Journal: Critical Explorations in Media and Space Issue 8: Playgrounds Submission Deadline: Dec. 1, 2013 This issue of Media Fields investigates the connections between media, space, power, and various approaches to “play” across culture and society. In this issue we seek conversations that embrace play in all its polysemy. We invite papers that investigate how mediated play spaces can become spaces to negotiate labor, power, resistance, agency, or subjectivity. To that end, what is a mediated play space? What is the history of mediated play spaces? How are non-play spaces subverted to become play spaces, and what…

    Read more: Call: ‘Playgrounds’ – Special issue of Media Fields Journal: Critical Explorations in Media and Space
  • Presence Picture #6: ‘Invisible’ by Laura Williams

    A self portrait by photographer Laura Williams. More information is available in the blog post here. Thanks to our colleague Alexander Voiskounsky for finding this. If you have information or comments about this or future Presence Pictures, please share them with our community by using the appropriate ‘comments’ link (note: WordPress spam filters are said to be overly aggressive, so if you don’t receive confirmation of receipt after you post, please notify us at –Matthew Lombard…

    Read more: Presence Picture #6: ‘Invisible’ by Laura Williams

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