The 3rd International Symposium on Pervasive Displays 2014
In cooperation with ACM / SIGCHI
5-6 June, 2014 Copenhagen, Denmark
Building on the success of the 2012 and 2013 events, we are pleased to announce the call for papers for the 3rd International Symposium on Pervasive Displays. This event will take place in Copenhagen in 2014 and will include a keynote address. In addition to research papers we are also soliciting submissions for posters and demonstrations – see for more details of the submission process for these.
As digital displays become pervasive, they become increasingly prevalent and indeed relevant in many areas, including advertising, art, computing, engineering, entertainment, interaction design, sociology and urban life. We invite submissions that report on cutting-edge research in the broad spectrum of pervasive digital displays, from large interactive walls to wearable displays, from installations to personalised signage or mobile displays to urban visualisation. The symposium on Pervasive Displays welcomes work on all areas pertaining to digital displays including, but not limited to:
- Applications
- Content design
- Evaluations, case studies, deployments and experience reports
- Interfaces and interaction techniques
- Novel technologies and new forms of pervasive display
- System architectures and infrastructure
As a targeted topic venue, Pervasive Displays offers authors the unique opportunity to present their work to a research community focused on display technologies and research questions surrounding them, and allow them to receive feedback from experts in the field and other highly interested parties in an intimate symposium setting. Please note that the information in this call pertains to submissions to the research paper track. Information about other submission tracks will be provided in subsequent calls.
Submitted papers should be a maximum of six (6) pages in length in the ACM Conference Proceedings format, and should clearly explain the research question addressed, research method and tasks, findings or results, and contributions of the work. Papers should also provide sufficient background and related work to situate and contextualize the authors’ work within the greater body of research.
Submissions should consist of original work not been previously published or concurrently under consideration for any other conference, workshop, journal, or other publication with an ISBN, ISSN or DOI number.
Papers will be peer-reviewed by multiple members of a program committee consisting of experts on pervasive displays. All accepted papers will be archived in the ACM Digital Library.
Paper submission deadline: 13 February 2014
Notification of acceptance: 24 March 2014
Camera-ready submission: 18 April 2014
Conference: 5 – 6 June 2014
General Chair
- Sebastian Boring (University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
Program Chair
- Aaron Quigley (University of St Andrews, United Kingdom)
Posters & Demos Session Co-Chairs
- Mikkel Rønne Jakobsen (University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
- Nicolai Marquardt (University College London, United Kingdom)
PhD Lunch Chair
- Patrick Olivier (Newcastle University, United Kingdom)
Publicity Chair
- Dominik Schmidt (Hasso Plattner Institute, Potsdam, Germany)
Publication Chair
- Sven Gehring (German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, Saarbrücken, Germany)
Steering Committee
- Nigel Davies (Lancaster University, UK)
- Marc Langheinrich (University of Lugano, Switzerland)
- Albrecht Schmidt (University of Stuttgart, Germany)
Florian Alt, University of Stuttgart, Germany * Matthias Baldauf, Telecommunications Research Center Vienna, Austria * Keith Cheverst, Lancaster University, UK * Nigel Davies, Lancaster University, UK * Marcus Foth, Queensland University of Technology, Australia * Adrian Friday, Lancaster University, UK * Ava Fatah gen Schieck, University College London, UK * Elaine M. Huang, University of Zurich, Switzerland * Rui José, University of Minho, Portugal * Vassilis Kostakos, University of Oulu, Finland * Christian Kray, University of Münster, Germany * Stefan Kreitmayer, Open University, UK * Hannu Kukka, Carnegie Mellon University, USA * Marc Langheinrich, University of Lugano, Switzerland * Rodger Lea, University of British Columbia, Canada * Joe McCarthy, University of Washington, USA * Scott McQuire, University of Melbourne, Australia * Nemanja Memarovic, University of Lugano, Switzerland * Florian Michahelles, Siemens, Berkeley, USA * Jörg Müller, Deutsche Telekom Laboratories & TU Berlin, Germany * Patrick Olivier, Newcastle University, UK * Timo Ojala, University of Oulu, Finland * Umer Rashid, University of Lincoln, UK * Michael Rohs, University of Hanover, Germany * Enrico Rukzio, University of Ulm, Germany * Jürgen Steimle, Max Planck Institute for Informatics, Germany & MIT Media Lab, USA * Anthony Tang, University of Calgary, Canada * Nick Taylor, University of Dundee, UK * Martin Tomitsch, University of Sydney, Australia * Rainer Wasinger, University of Sydney, Australia
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