Category: Presence Pictures

  • Presence Pictures: Robots at Work and Play

    [The Atlantic has published a set of 35 vivid photographs that demonstrate the diverse roles robots are occupying in 2018, and in many cases the medium-as-social-actor presence responses we have to them. Three of the photos are below and see the original feature for the full-size versions of all 35. –Matthew] Robots at Work and Play Alan Taylor October 17, 2018 Advancements in robotics are continually taking place in the fields of space exploration, health care, public safety, entertainment, defense, and more. These machines—some fully autonomous, some requiring human input—extend our grasp, enhance our capabilities, and travel as our surrogates…

    Read more: Presence Pictures: Robots at Work and Play
  • Presence Picture #12: ‘Virtual Bowie Coupe’ on train to exhibit in Grongen, Netherlands

    “Train passengers take a virtual reality journey through the life of the British pop star David Bowie, which is exhibited in a ‘Virtual Bowie Coupe’ in the train from Zwolle to Groningen/Netherlands/.” The Getty Image is from The Telegraph on this sad day, 9 January 2016. After the virtual journey in the train compartment, the passengers can visit a new exhibition about David Bowie in the Groninger Museum, curated by the Victoria and Albert Museum in London; details from the museum are here. RTV Oost [translated via Google] has more details, three other images, and a 1:32 minute video and…

    Read more: Presence Picture #12: ‘Virtual Bowie Coupe’ on train to exhibit in Grongen, Netherlands
  • Presence Picture #11: Stephen Colbert warms hands with virtual fire

    During the opening monologue on his Late Show with Stephen Colbert on Friday December 18, the host ‘warmed’ his hands using the ‘heat’ from an on-set hearth and fire. Here’s wishing all members of the ISPR/Presence community a joyous holiday season… –Matthew Lombard [By the way, join our ISPR Members Facebook group for more unusual and interesting presence items; details are here. If you have information or comments about this or future Presence Pictures, please share them with our community by using the appropriate ‘comments’ link (note: WordPress spam filters are said to be overly aggressive, so if you don’t…

    Read more: Presence Picture #11: Stephen Colbert warms hands with virtual fire
  • Presence Picture #10: “The Cover up” by Erik Johansson

    Photographer Erik Johansson introduces himself on his web site with this: “I’m a photographer and retoucher from Sweden. I use photography as a way of collecting material to realize the ideas in my mind.” A larger version of this piece, titled “The Cover up,” is available here, and much more mind-bending presence-related work (including video material) is available on his site. By the way, join our ISPR Members Facebook group for more unusual and interesting presence items; details are here. If you have information or comments about this or future Presence Pictures, please share them with our community by using…

    Read more: Presence Picture #10: “The Cover up” by Erik Johansson
  • Presence Picture #9: A giant crawls out from the ground in Budapest

    Happy Halloween! This “monstrous and very unique sculpture” appeared in Budapest’s Széchenyi Square earlier this month. The polystyrene outdoor art work is titled “Feltépve” (“Ripped up”) and is by “polihysteric art designer” Ervin Loránth Hervé. It was created in affiliation with Art Market Budapest. More information and pictures are available from Earth Porn.   By the way, join our ISPR Members Facebook group for more unusual and interesting presence items; details are here. If you have information or comments about this or future Presence Pictures, please share them with our community by using the appropriate ‘comments’ link (note: WordPress spam…

    Read more: Presence Picture #9: A giant crawls out from the ground in Budapest
  • Presence Picture #8: Tim Hunkin’s Rent-a-Dog

    This is a drawing and photo of Rent-a-Dog, an arcade simulator attraction by artist, engineer and The Secret Life of Machines star Tim Hunkin for Under the Pier, his “mad arcade of home-made machines & simulator rides on Southwold Pier, Suffolk, UK.” You can read a detailed description of the origins and creation of Rent-a-Dog on his web site here. If you have information or comments about this or future Presence Pictures, please share them with our community by using the appropriate ‘comments’ link (note: WordPress spam filters are said to be overly aggressive, so if you don’t receive confirmation…

    Read more: Presence Picture #8: Tim Hunkin’s Rent-a-Dog
  • Presence Picture #7: Girl kisses Nelson Mandela statue

    A touching example of social presence after the loss of Nelson Mandela in a photo by Christopher Furlong from Getty Images. The caption: JOHANNESBURG, SOUTH AFRICA – DECEMBER 09: A young South African girl named Malika is lifted by her mother to kiss a statue of former South African President Nelson Mandela before a service conducted by Archbishop Desmond Tutu at the Nelson Mandela Foundation on December 9, 2013 in Johannesburg, South Africa. Mandela, also known as Madiba, passed away on the evening of December 5, 2013 at his home in Houghton at the age of 95. Mandela became South…

    Read more: Presence Picture #7: Girl kisses Nelson Mandela statue
  • Presence Picture #6: ‘Invisible’ by Laura Williams

    A self portrait by photographer Laura Williams. More information is available in the blog post here. Thanks to our colleague Alexander Voiskounsky for finding this. If you have information or comments about this or future Presence Pictures, please share them with our community by using the appropriate ‘comments’ link (note: WordPress spam filters are said to be overly aggressive, so if you don’t receive confirmation of receipt after you post, please notify us at –Matthew Lombard…

    Read more: Presence Picture #6: ‘Invisible’ by Laura Williams
  • Presence Picture #5: Grounds for Sculpture brings Renoir painting to life

    This is my friend and colleague Melissa Meade, interacting with a sculpture that recreates the painting Le déjeuner des canotiers (Luncheon of the Boating Party) by French impressionist Pierre-Auguste Renoir. The sculpture is at Grounds for Sculpture in Hamilton, New Jersey, USA. Here is a picture of the original painting: For pictures of some of the other sculptures, see the Miss Buttercup blog, where the author writes, “There were moments when I forgot I was in a sculpture garden because it felt like I was in a painting.” For more on the painting, see the web site of the Fournaise…

    Read more: Presence Picture #5: Grounds for Sculpture brings Renoir painting to life
  • Presence Picture #4: ‘Coffee Kiss’ sculpture by Johnson TSANG Cheung Shing

    Yuanyang II (also known as ‘Coffee Kiss”) by Hong Kong artist Johnson TSANG Cheung Shing Stoneware, porcelain, hollowing, modelling, slabbing and throwing L 118cm W 45cm H 24cm 2002 More information about and images of this sculpture and others by the artist is available here. If you have information or comments about this or future Presence Pictures, please share them with our community by using the appropriate ‘comments’ link (note: WordPress spam filters are said to be overly aggressive, so if you don’t receive confirmation of receipt after you post, please notify us at –Matthew Lombard…

    Read more: Presence Picture #4: ‘Coffee Kiss’ sculpture by Johnson TSANG Cheung Shing
  • Presence Picture #3: Heads in Houston

    From a colleague’s Facebook post. Obviously artificial and not at all to scale but they still seem to evoke social presence. If you have information or comments about this or future Presence Pictures, please share them with our community by using the appropriate ‘comments’ link (note: WordPress spam filters are said to be overly aggressive, so if you don’t receive confirmation of receipt after you post, please notify us at –Matthew Lombard…

    Read more: Presence Picture #3: Heads in Houston
  • Presence Picture #2: Giant statue in Hyde Park

    More information, and a video, about this statue of actor Colin Firth that recreates a scene in Pride and Prejudice is available in an article in the Independent. If you have information or comments about this or future Presence Pictures, please share them with our community by using the appropriate ‘comments’ link (note: WordPress spam filters are said to be overly aggressive, so if you don’t receive confirmation of receipt after you post, please notify us at –Matthew Lombard…

    Read more: Presence Picture #2: Giant statue in Hyde Park

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