Call: SBGames 2020 – Brazilian Symposium on Computer Games and Digital Entertainment – Arts and Design Track

[Note: There are several other presence-related tracks, some with earlier deadlines; follow link below for more information. –ML]

Call for Papers

2020 Brazilian Symposium on Computer Games and Digital Entertainment (SBGames)
Arts and Design Track
7-10 November

NOTE: This year, due to the restrictions caused by COVID-19, the symposium will be held entirely online.

SBGames (Brazilian Symposium on Computer Games and Digital Entertainment) is the largest and most important event for games and digital entertainment in Latin America. Realized by the SBC, the event receives scientists, artists, designers, teachers, and students from colleges, universities, research centers, and the game industry.

In 2020, SBGames is organized by CIn/UFPE and UNICAP (both institutions from Recife), and will be held between November 7th and 10th. In this edition the SBGames will be realized jointly with three other events, the SVR (Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality), the SIBGRAPI (Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images), and the ISMAR (International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality).


For better adequacy, it is considered that articles aimed at computing applied to digital games should be sent to the computing track, while articles aimed at social and cultural aspects of digital games should be sent to the culture track. Gamification in Education, experiments with educational games, and assessment of learning with games should be used for the Education track.

The Arts & Design track welcome papers that deal with these topics (albeit not limited to them):

  • Arts and Design Methods, Techniques, Processes, and Documentation;
  • Game analysis with a focus on project, gameplay, genres, platforms, and applications;
  • Game Design (production, mechanics, narratives and technologies);
  • Interface Design, including graphic, auditory and haptic interfaces;
  • Interaction Design in Games including new devices for controlling and monitoring, virtual reality and augmented reality;
  • Level Design (including levels, environments, architectures, and objects);
  • Character Design (including concept, modeling, texturing and animation);
  • Art and Artistic Expression in Games;
  • Art Games and Critical Games;
  • Narrative and Screenplay;
  • Media and Languages;
  • Artists and Designers workflow analysis;
  • Game Design Case Studies;
  • Game Design documentation for gamification projects.

Summarizing, topics of interest should address one or more of these fields:

Game Design:

Game Design terms and related concepts (entertainment, fun, motivation, application, etc.); methods and techniques to create and to design games; management and documentation; character design; level design; sound design; gameplay; game genre, styles, and modality; impacts of specific design limitations (target, legislation, age rating, etc.); applications (communication, formation, divulgation, promotion, etc.); experience customizations.


Theory and practice in interface design; interface evaluations; interactivity; media integrations; ergonomics; playability; device responsive interfaces; tutorials and experiences.

Art and Narrative:

Research; creation process and obtained results; script; character and scene concept, design and development; adaptation between media; Art Direction; sound composition; game aesthetics; games as artistic expression (Game Art).

Media and Language:

Audiovisual discourse, text and intertextuality, images, graphics, infographics, animation, special effects, integration between media and videogames language usage in non-gaming situations.

Occupations and Professional Responsibilities:

Artists and designers competences and abilities when participating in game production teams: game writers, editors, illustrators, 3d modelers, animators, musicians, sound designers; Practices, methods, and techniques to perform teamwork.


The works can be submitted in three formats: Full Papers, Short Papers, and Design Cases.

Full Papers:

Works that present finished researches or those in an advanced stage of completion. Full Papers must present original contributions. The papers can be submitted in English or Portuguese and must have from 7 to a maximum of 10 pages. The authors will present the accepted Full Papers in Technical Sessions organized and disclosed lately by the Organizing Committee.

Short Papers:

Small articles that show early-stage researches or complete graduation and postgraduate studies. Short Papers can be submitted in English or Portuguese and are limited to 4 pages. The accepted Short Papers will be presented by the authors during the Fast-Track session (in a video with precise 60 seconds provided by a YouTube link) with comments during Technical Sessions that will be organized and disclosed lately by the Organizing Committee.

Design Cases:

Game development reports presented by designers that will have the chance to interact with the audience during the explanation. The goal is to receive feedback and constructive criticism. Those reports can be submitted in Portuguese or English and must have from 4 to a maximum of 7 pages. The authors will present the Design Cases in Technical Sessions that will be organized and disclosed lately by the Organizing Committee.


It is essential to underscore that all submissions must be original, i.e., they must not have been previously presented or published in scientific events and journals. Should this rule be broken, the submitted work will be rejected without being evaluated. The evaluation process will address these criteria: a) the overall scientific contribution of the paper; b) originality; c) methodology; and, d) theoretical approach.

Submissions must be made exclusively via JEMS. Submissions made via e-mail or any other platform will not be accepted. All submissions (Full Papers, Short Papers, and Design Cases) must comply with the “blind review” process. Thus, any information that allows the authors’ identification, such as name, affiliation, e-mail, explicit self-references, and projects, will immediately disqualify the article, resulting in its removal from the evaluation process.

For Full Papers and Short Papers to be published in the Conference Proceedings, at least one author must be registered and present the paper at the symposium.

Blind review: The tag [BLIND REVIEW] must be used in place of any information that can somehow relate to the paper authorship (name, e-mail, affiliation, etc.), as needed.


August 15, 2020:  Paper submissions deadline
September 15, 2020:  Acceptance notification
September 22, 2020:  Camera-ready, copyright term and presentation video submission deadline
October 02, 2020:  Authors registration deadline
November 7-10, 2020: Presentations


Emmanoel Ferreira
Universidade Federal Fluminense – Niteroi, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Julia Stateri
Senac SP – São Paulo, Brazil

For additional information, reach us:
artesedesign at sbgames dot org


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