Call: IEEE Ro-Man 2020, International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication

Call for Papers

IEEE Ro-Man 2020
29th IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication
Naples, Italy
August 31 to September 4, 2020

Submission Deadline: March 15, 2020

The 29th IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, Ro-Man 2020, will be held In Naples, Italy, from August 31 To September 4, 2020. This conference is a leading forum where state-of-the-art innovative results, the latest developments as well as future perspectives relating to robot and human interactive communication are presented and discussed.

The conference covers a wide range of topics related to Robot and Human Interactive Communication, involving theories, methodologies, technologies, empirical and experimental studies. Papers related to the study of the robotic technology, psychology, cognitive science, artificial intelligence, human factors, ethics and policies, interaction-based robot design and other topics related to human-robot interaction are welcome.

The main conference will host presentations of original contributions including new methods, studies, designs, theories, and applications of Human-Robot Interactive Communication systems and technologies surrounding it. The workshops, tutorials, and interactive sessions will provide an opportunity for participants from academia and industry to focus on prospective topics. Expert Keynote speakers from academia, industry, end users and policy-making bodies will give plenary talks about emerging technologies, methods, R&D and Technological barriers to market in the domain. Special sessions will target specific topics and audiences.

CONFERENCE THEME: Robots with Heart, Mind, and Soul

The fruitful interaction of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics is currently leading the Robot and Human Interactive Communication community towards new frontiers where perceptual, reasoning, manipulation, and interaction capabilities are effectively deployed in real word applications.

Still, there are several research challenges to be addressed. Firstly, the robot mind can be enhanced by a heart, so social and emotional capabilities are required to complement every single robotic functionality. It is not just a matter of performing an interaction task correctly, but mainly of performing such tasks in a way that is believable and acceptable to humans.

The user’s experience with the robot is key to its large-scale adoption. Companies need to build solutions rooted in a deeper analysis of humans’ specificities.

At the same time, academia needs to nurture the development of an extended research community with a set of interdisciplinary skills to investigate the required robot’s capabilities for interactive communication with human beings, for defining decision, machine learning algorithms, and cognitive architectures to appropriately adapt the robot’s behavior to the social context.

Finally, such new bootstrap in robotic technologies for everyday life will require a soul, so to address social, legal, and ethical issues that arise by the uptake robots in personal domains, as such skills are fundamental to achieve technological innovation which aligns with social, ethical and legal values, in the direction of an ELSE (Ethical, Legal, Social, and Economic) Robotics. Works that address open research problems with a clear view of the practical application, both from the point of view of a direct realization in the market and from the point of view of possible implications of such technologies are welcome.


Full Papers and Full Papers For Proposed Special Sessions

Submission deadline: March 15, 2020
Notification of acceptance: May 27, 2020
Camera-ready deadline: June 15, 2020


Theme: Robots with Heart, Mind, and Soul

Topics of Interest include (but are not restricted to):

  • Androids
  • Anthropomorphic Robots and Virtual Humans
  • Applications of Social Robots
  • Assistive Robotics
  • Cognitive Skills and Mental Models
  • Cognitive and Sensorimotor Development
  • Computational Architectures
  • Cooperation and Collaboration in Human-Robot Teams
  • Creating Human-Robot Relationships
  • Curiosity, Intentionality and Initiative in Interaction
  • Degrees of Autonomy and Teleoperation
  • Detecting and Understanding Human Activity
  • Embodiment, Empathy and Intersubjectivity
  • Ethical Issues in Human-robot Interaction Research
  • Evaluation Methods and New Methodologies
  • HRI and Collaboration in Manufacturing Environments
  • Human Factors and Ergonomics
  • Innovative Robot Designs
  • Interaction Kinesics
  • Interaction with Believable Characters
  • Linguistic Communication and Dialogue
  • Long-term Experience and Longitudinal HRI Studies
  • Machine Learning and Adaptation
  • Medical and Surgical Applications
  • Monitoring of Behaviour and Internal States of Humans
  • Motion Planning and Navigation in Human-Centered Environments
  • Motivations and Emotions in Robotics
  • Multi-modal Situation Awareness and Spatial Cognition
  • Multimodal Interaction and Conversational Skills
  • Narrative and Story-telling in Interaction
  • Non-verbal Cues and Expressiveness
  • Novel Interfaces and Interaction Modalities
  • Personalities for Robotic or Virtual Characters
  • Philosophical Issues in Human-Robot Coexistence
  • Programming by Demonstration
  • Robot Companions and Social Robots
  • Robotic Etiquette
  • Robots in Education, Therapy and Rehabilitation
  • Social Intelligence for Robots
  • Social Learning and Skill Acquisition Via Teaching and Imitation
  • Social Presence for Robots and Virtual Humans
  • User-centered Design of Robots
  • Virtual and Augmented Tele-presence Environments
  • Robots in art and entertainment
  • Art pieces supported by robotics
  • Sound design for robots
  • Story-telling in HRI


For calls for papers for special sessions, please visit:


Authors should submit their papers electronically in PDF format via Papercept. For the first submission, a manuscript can be of 6-8 pages. For the final submission, a manuscript should be of 6 pages, with 2 additional pages allowed but at an extra charge. All papers are reviewed using a single-blind review process.


All papers submitted to RO-MAN 2020 will undergo a peer-review process. A manuscript will be reviewed by at least two reviewers, who will provide detailed comments and – if the submission gets accepted – the authors submit a revised (“camera-ready”) version that takes into account this feedback. The review process is managed by the program chair, the program co-chairs, the editors, and the conference associate editors.

All papers are reviewed using a single-blind review process: authors declare their names and affiliations in the manuscript for the reviewers to see, but reviewers do not know each other’s identities, nor do the authors receive information about who has reviewed their manuscript.

Authors should use the templates provided by the electronic submission system. The templates for US Letter format paper should be used.

The manuscript submission website will require that you submit your abstract and make any final changes to the author list and title of the paper before uploading the paper.

All authors and co-authors must be registered in the electronic system. It is the corresponding author’s responsibility to ensure that the complete author list and the correct title are being entered. This information will be used for the conference program and the proceedings.


  1. Create an account: go to, then PIN and fill out the form. Ask all your co-authors to do the same if they do not have an account on the system yet, write down the authors’ PINs (this information is needed for manuscript processing purposes).
  2. Go to Support Menu and depending on how you are preparing your paper, download a template: LaTeX or MS-Word, Use these templates/style files to create the paper and save in PDF format.
  3. Upload the paper: go to and click on “Submit a contribution to RO-MAN 2020”.
  4. Submit (regular paper, special session paper).
  5. Fill in the form presented on the next page (make sure to enter all author PINs created in Step 1).


Best papers will be invited to submit an extended/revised version to a Special Issue on RSJ International Journal of Advanced Robotics


General Chair:
Silvia Rossi
University of Naples Federico II (IT)

General Co-Chair:
Adriana Tapus
ENSTA-ParisTech (FR)

Honorary Chair:
Bruno Siciliano
University of Naples Federico II (IT)

Program Co-Chairs:

Dana Kulić
University of Waterloo (CA)

Dongheui Lee

Masahiro Shiomi

Special Sessions Co-Chairs:

Takayuki Nagai
Osaka University (JP)

Maria Gini
University of Minnesota (USA)

Angelo Cangelosi
University of Manchester (UK)

More Committee members:


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