Fourth International Workshop on Games and Software Engineering
Workshop in conjunction with ICSE 2015 (Int’l Conference on Software Engineering)
Florence/Firenze, Italy
May 18, 2015
The 2015 Games and Software Engineering workshop (GAS 2015) explores issues that crosscut the software engineering and the game engineering communities. Modern games entail the development, integration, and balancing of software capabilities drawn from algorithm design and complexity, artificial intelligence, computer graphics, computer-supported cooperative work/play, database management systems, human-computer interaction and interface design, operating systems and resource/storage management, networking, programming/scripting language design and interpretation, performance monitoring, and more. Few other software system application arenas demand such technical mastery and integration skill. Yet game development is expected to rely on such mastery, and provide a game play experience that most users find satisfying, fun, and engaging. Computer games are thus an excellent domain for which to research and develop new ways and means for software engineering.
Game developers share a common community of interest: how to best engineer game software. They focus their attention on entertainment market opportunities as well as game-based applications in non-entertainment domains such as education, healthcare, defense, and scientific research (i.e., serious games). This Workshop seeks contributions from academic researchers and commercial game developers, addressing topics that span the emerging and current research challenges in the area:
- Large-scale game software engineering
- Game software requirements engineering
- Game software design (architecture, component)
- Game software testing, including usability, playability
- Teamwork processes in game software engineering
- Automated generation of computer games
- Global software game development
- Cloud-based computing infrastructure and services to support online games
- Crowd-sourced play, or games with a purpose
- Analysis of data from large scale game playing
- Gaming for productivity (serious gaming)
- Game-based software engineering education
The goals of GAS 2015 build upon the previous 2011, 2012, and 2013 GAS Workshops with a greater focus on sharing and advancing game engineering and software engineering techniques.
GAS 2015 will:
- Bring together the greater community of software engineers and game engineers in an interactive program that encourages discussion and scholarly debate from interdisciplinary perspectives.
- Identify and explore emerging and new research challenges, costs and benefits for enabling playful experiences in traditional (non-game) applications and activities.
- Identify and explore emerging research challenges, costs and benefits on enabling socio-economic change through games, or game-based applications, with software engineering techniques.
- Generate a new research agenda, identify topics of interest for this community, and how future workshops may explore these topics.
Join us! This workshop is structured to be highly interactive, encourage discussion, and appeal to participants from academia and industry. The workshop will feature a keynote, panel, short and long paper presentations with discussions, a game demonstration session, and a social event to build strong, lasting relationships among the participants.
Paper submissions: January 30, 2015 (extended)
Notification of authors: February 18, 2015
Camera-ready copies: February 27, 2015
Paper submissions are accepted in two lengths:
Long papers (7 pages)
Short papers (4 pages)
Submissions must follow the ICSE 2015 submission instructions. In particular, papers must use the IEEE formatting guidelines. Note well that the names and ordering of authors in the camera ready version cannot be modified from the ones in the submitted version.
GAS 2015 expects that at least one author on each accepted paper will register for, and physically attend, the GAS 2015 workshop, and give a presentation on the results.
Papers submission is via the Easychair system, via the following link:
Judith Bishop
Microsoft Research, Ltd.
Redmond, Washington, U.S.A.
Kendra Cooper
The University of British Columbia
Vancouver, Canada
Walt Scacchi
University of California, Irvine
Irvine, California, U.S.A.
Jim Whitehead
University of California, Santa Cruz
Santa Cruz, California, U.S.A.
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