Month: October 2014

  • Call: 2015 International Conference on Virtual Reality (ICVR 2015)

    2015 International Conference on Virtual Reality April 9-10, 2015, Los Angeles, USA Submission deadline: November 15, 2014 Call for Papers 2015 International Conference on Virtual Reality (ICVR 2015) is the premier forum for the presentation of technological advances and research results in the fields of Virtual Reality. ICVR 2015 will bring together leading engineers and scientists in Virtual Reality from around the world. This conference provides opportunities for delegates to exchange new ideas and research findings in a face to face environment, to establish business or research relationships and to find global partners for future collaboration. Submitted conference papers…

    Read more: Call: 2015 International Conference on Virtual Reality (ICVR 2015)
  • Dexmo exoskeletons bring sensation of touch to VR

    [From Bright Side of News, where the story includes more pictures and a 2:48 minute video] Dexmo Exoskeletons Bring Sensation of Touch to VR With the advent of hand-fitted exoskeletons, Dexta Robotics wants to bring the sensation of touch to virtual reality. Derek Strickland – October 1, 2014 Consumers will soon be able to actually feel digital objects in virtual reality. A tech firm known as Dexta Robotics is crafting the Dexmo F2, a specially-made exoskeleton that folds over a users hand to simulate the sensation of touch in VR environments. The device will apparently be compatible with the Oculus…

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  • Call: Critical Spaces: Disorienting the Topological – A graduate conference in the critical humanities

    London Graduate School Critical Spaces: Disorienting the Topological A graduate conference in the critical humanities Kingston University, London Monday 5th January 2015 Keynote Speakers: Claire Colebrook Eyal Weizman Eleni Ikoniadou Fred Botting Call for Papers: “The present epoch will perhaps be above all the epoch of space.” — Michel Foucault ‘Of Other Spaces’ “Oh God! I could be bounded in a nutshell and count myself a king of infinite space.” —Hamlet Foucault’s assertion that the present epoch will be one of space immediately evokes the temporal.  Whether we consider our epoch as modern, postmodern, or as nonmodern, the philosophical treatment…

    Read more: Call: Critical Spaces: Disorienting the Topological – A graduate conference in the critical humanities
  • How one boy with autism became BFF with Apple’s Siri

    [From The New York Times, where the story includes more drawings] [Image: By Louie Chin] To Siri, With Love How One Boy With Autism Became BFF With Apple’s Siri By Judith Newman October 17, 2014 Just how bad a mother am I? I wondered, as I watched my 13-year-old son deep in conversation with Siri. Gus has autism, and Siri, Apple’s “intelligent personal assistant” on the iPhone, is currently his BFF. Obsessed with weather formations, Gus had spent the hour parsing the difference between isolated and scattered thunderstorms — an hour in which, thank God, I didn’t have to discuss…

    Read more: How one boy with autism became BFF with Apple’s Siri
  • Call: First Workshop on Tangible Gesture Interaction – TEI 2015

    Tangible Meets Gestural: Comparing and Blending Post-WIMP Interaction Paradigms – First Workshop on Tangible Gesture Interaction – TEI 2015 January 15 or 16, Stanford Submission deadline: November 25 Call for Papers Tangible interaction and gestural interaction are two evolving interaction paradigms that are gaining an increasing interest within the HCI community. In a world where many objects become intelligent, opening the doors to ubiquitous computing, these two interaction paradigms seem particularly promising to exploit two innate human skills: the ability to manipulate objects and the ability to communicate through gestures. A new interaction paradigm, tangible gesture interaction, tries to bridge…

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  • NASA testsing VR to reduce stress of long distance space flights

    [A press release from Dartmouth College via EurekAlert!] Houston: We have a problem…but no worries, our virtual therapist is on it Dartmouth researchers adding new virtual reality to mental health treatment for astronauts October 14, 2014 Hiking in the mountains or lying on the beach are good ways to relieve stress on Earth, but on spaceflights there’s no way to get back to nature. Astronauts feeling stressed on long-duration flights, however, may soon find computerized solace in the form of a virtual reality-based relaxation system being developed by Dartmouth researchers and their colleagues. Since 2001, Dartmouth, Harvard, UCLA and The…

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  • Job: Asst Prof in Ethics & Digital Culture at University of Central Florida

    University of Central Florida Tenure track hire: “Assistant Professor, Ethics & Digital Culture” #33145 The Department of Philosophy at the University of Central Florida (UCF) invites applications for a tenure earning Assistant Professor position in Ethics and Digital Culture beginning in August 2015. This is a shared position between the Department of Philosophy and the Texts and Technology Ph.D. program, and the successful candidate will be involved in both areas. This is a 9-month per year position with an expected teaching load (pre-tenure) of 5 courses per academic year, with the possibility of optional summer teaching. The position is pending…

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  • Futurist: Grant intelligent software all the rights of flesh-and-blood people

    [From MIT’s Technology Review, where the story includes a different image. Bina was featured in a (satirical) segment of the The Colbert Report on June 10, 2014. The 1989 episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation titled Measure of a Man highlighted many of these issues; a key scene is available on YouTube] [Image: Source] Q&A with Futurist Martine Rothblatt If computers think for themselves, should they have human rights? By Antonio Regalado on October 20, 2014 Bina48 is a robotic head that looks and speaks like a person—it moves its lips and runs conversational software. Although the robot isn’t…

    Read more: Futurist: Grant intelligent software all the rights of flesh-and-blood people
  • Call: 6th annual Joint Forces Simulation & Training Conference

    Joint Forces Simulation & Training 2nd to 3rd February 2015 Holiday Inn Bloomsbury, Coram Street, London, WC1N 1HT, United Kingdom Website: Organized by: SMI Group Ltd OVERVIEW: As defense budgets are squeezed and the nature of modern war fighting changes, military projects and procurement are increasingly focusing on the unification of air, land, maritime and special operations forces. As a result, a more holistic approach is being taken in the way training capabilities are delivered. Countries are embracing the need to develop training tools and simulators that enable the forces to react quickly to any situation. In fact, the…

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  • Future of telepresence seen in new survey of experts

    [From NDTV; a summary and the full report are available from Pew Research] [Image: Source] Ultrafast Internet to Open New Possibilities Like ‘Telepresence’: Experts Agence France-Presse, October 10, 2014 Superfast Internet connections are likely open up new kinds of communication such as “telepresence” and improve services such as remote health care, a survey of experts showed Thursday. The ultrafast connections, expected to be widely deployed in the coming years, can open up a range of possibilities by delivering “immersive” experiences and virtual reality, according to the experts polled by the Pew Research Center and Elon University. “People’s basic interactions and…

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  • Call: Posthumanism issue of Cinema – Journal of Philosophy and the Moving Image

    Cinema – Journal of Philosophy and the Moving Image welcomes submissions to its 7th issue on Posthumanism. Human and Non-human: links, continuum, interplay. Abstracts due: November 30, 2014 The 7th issue of Cinema – Journal of Philosophy and the Moving Image aims at discussing Posthumanism as a way to explore alternative understandings to both the Modern/Humanistic and Postmodern views on the issue of Technological Images, New Media and Human and Non-human relations. In the turn of the Millennium, Robert Pepperell’s book The Posthuman Condition and Katherine Hayles’ How We Became Posthuman: Virtual Bodies in Cybernetics, Literature and Informatics launched a…

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  • Halloween illusions: Phone-synced masks and body morphsuits

    [From PSFK, where the story includes several more pictures and a 3:46 minute video] Try On Phone-Synced, Effects-Heavy Mask Just in Time for Halloween These tricking and treating items work hand-in-hand (or eye-in-socket) with your mobile to create cringe-worthy FX By Leo Lutero on October 10, 2014 The Digital Dudz mask line offers an easy-to-use smartphone insert that lets your phone save a rather run-of-the-mill monster mask. By downloading the free Digital Dudz app, you can play video loops of restless eyeballs, throbbing hearts or pulsating wounds and use these as the highlight of your spooky get-up. The mind behind…

    Read more: Halloween illusions: Phone-synced masks and body morphsuits

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