Halloween illusions: Phone-synced masks and body morphsuits

[From PSFK, where the story includes several more pictures and a 3:46 minute video]

Digital Dudz Halloween effect ( 'eye phone')

Try On Phone-Synced, Effects-Heavy Mask Just in Time for Halloween

These tricking and treating items work hand-in-hand (or eye-in-socket) with your mobile to create cringe-worthy FX

By Leo Lutero on October 10, 2014

The Digital Dudz mask line offers an easy-to-use smartphone insert that lets your phone save a rather run-of-the-mill monster mask. By downloading the free Digital Dudz app, you can play video loops of restless eyeballs, throbbing hearts or pulsating wounds and use these as the highlight of your spooky get-up.

The mind behind this clever idea belongs to Mark Rober who is also a NASA scientist. He helped build the rover now exploring Mars but in his free time, he creates clever costumes. A Youtube video featuring one of his costume creations kickstarted his Digital Dudz brand. In the video, he was showing off an illusion of a see-through hole in his stomach. He did this by tethering two iPads – one in the front and another at the back – feeding each other from the front camera.

The see-through shirt idea has now evolved into over 35 different items, with an improved slot to snatch the phone out for a quick selfie. There is a crackling fireplace for Christmas, a shirt with a working countdown timer and skin-less humans with still beating hearts almost falling out of their chests. Digital Dudz items sell for $25 for the t-shirts and up to $55 for Morphsuit. A Morphsuit is a head-to-toe skintight fabric with an unsettling realistic print.

With a thumbs up from Marvel, Digital is also selling the Iron Man (with light-up reactor) and Captain America (moving eyes) shirts that fans will definitely go crazy for.

Digital Dudz merged with Morphsuits in 2013. Morphsuits has been gaining recognition for their top-of-the-line costume work including an award from Disney for their licensed costumes. Morphsuits’ claim to fame was the single color bodysuit that wrapped around a person tightly (including the head). Like a colored shadow, the detail-less costume was a mix of freaky and funny, perfect for the costume-donning crowd. Now, the one-color Morphsuit has sophisticated cousins with a naked censored man design, Animal Planet prints and a convincing range of Power Ranger Morphsuit in all colors.

With a Digital Dudz mask or costume, you’d be top pick for the best spooky ensemble.

Gizmodo / Morphsuits

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