Tangible Meets Gestural: Comparing and Blending Post-WIMP Interaction Paradigms – First Workshop on Tangible Gesture Interaction – TEI 2015
January 15 or 16, Stanford
Submission deadline: November 25
Call for Papers
Tangible interaction and gestural interaction are two evolving interaction paradigms that are gaining an increasing interest within the HCI community. In a world where many objects become intelligent, opening the doors to ubiquitous computing, these two interaction paradigms seem particularly promising to exploit two innate human skills: the ability to manipulate objects and the ability to communicate through gestures. A new interaction paradigm, tangible gesture interaction, tries to bridge the benefits offered by tangible interaction and gestural interaction.
In this workshop, participants will have the opportunity to compare benefits of tangible and gestural interaction and to propose advancements in the field of tangible gesture interaction. Indeed, we encourage participants to submit 4 to 6 page position papers (SIGCHI Extended Abstract format) on the following (or related) topics:
- Theory and ground knowledge that frames gestural and tangible interaction
- Application of existing post-WIMP frameworks in tangible and gestural interaction
- Comparison of gestural and tangible interfaces (user performances, cognitive load, fatigue, learnability, skill development etc.) in specific application domains
- Expressivity of tangible and gestural interfaces
- Physical and psychological implications of human senses and skills involved in tangible and gestural interactions
- Feedback and feedforward for tangible and gestural interaction
- Novel applications for tangible gesture interfaces
- Theory, frameworks and future visions on tangible gesture interaction
- Techniques for mixed gesture and object recognition
During the workshop, after paper presentations, the participants will have also a playful opportunity to design and develop mockups of new interactive objects. Participants are invited to bring an everyday object that could be transformed into an interactive object through gestures or tangible manipulations. The results of the hands-on phases will be used to compare tangible interaction, gestural interaction and tangible gestural interaction, discussing the qualities and limitations of each paradigm.
Important Dates
Submission deadline: November 25
Notification of acceptance: December 3 (Please note that early registrations end on December 5)
Revised version deadline: December 10
Workshop: January 15 or 16 (check the web site for an up-to date information)
Important information about submitted articles
Papers will be peer-reviewed and all accepted papers will be included in the workshop technical proceedings and published online in the workshop website. Authors of up to 8 selected papers will be invited to submit an extended version of their article to a special issue on Tangible Gesture Interaction in the MDPI open-access journal. Workshop participants will have the possibility to publish their articles in this special issue free of publication charges.
More information can be found on www.tangiblegestures.com
For any further information, please send an email to leonardo.angelini@hefr.ch
The organizers:
Leonardo Angelini (University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland, Fribourg)
Denis Lalanne (University of Fribourg)
Omar Abou Khaled (University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland, Fribourg)
Elise van den Hoven (University of Technology, Sydney & Eindhoven University of Technology)
Ali Mazalek (Ryerson University, Toronto & Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta)
Elena Mugellini (University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland, Fribourg)
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