Call: IDC 2014 – Interaction Design & Children

Call for Participation

IDC 2014 – Interaction Design & Children

June 17 – 20, 2014
Aarhus, Denmark

We live in a global society where digital artefacts are an integral part of the everyday lives of children. Be it education, recreation, social interaction, or healthcare, interactive technology has come to play an important role in the way children relate to their physical, social, and cultural surroundings. IDC 2014 invites researchers and practitioners to share their work on how technology can be designed to improve children’s well being in a global context and how children, their parents, teachers and peers can contribute to the design of new technology. We invite researchers and participants to share thoughts on emerging technologies for children, experiences and insights into designing and evaluating interactive technologies with children, investigations on methods and approaches to designing such technologies, new theoretical perspectives, questioning how we can build tomorrow’s technology – together.


All submissions must be formatted using the ACM SIG Proceedings Template.

Login to IDC 2014 submission page provided by EasyChair.

IDC 2014 welcomes submissions in the form of full papers, short papers, demonstrations, workshops and doctoral consortium within the domain of Interaction Design and Children, addressing the following topics:

  • Innovative and emerging interactive technologies for children
  • Theoretically motivated arguments regarding interaction design and children
  • Empirical studies regarding the interaction of children and technology
  • Methods and techniques supporting interaction design and children
  • Studies for how technology can positively influence children’s lives and development
  • Reflective analyses on the field of child computer interaction and interaction design
  • Constructive design research for and with children
  • Studies discussing the involvement of children in the design process
  • Future vision articles, discussing trends and directions for the field

Submission categories

Full papers:

Submission deadline: 13. January 2014    EasyChair

Notification to authors: 7. March 2014

Full papers should report original work within Interaction Design and Children and may address any of the areas listed in the conference topics. Papers should clearly state contribution(s) in the paper and the abstract. Papers making one clear, significant contribution are more likely to be accepted than papers making several lesser contributions. Papers must identify and cite relevant published work and explain how the paper furthers state of the art within Interaction Design and Children.

All accepted full papers will be included in the conference proceedings published in the ACM digital library. Submissions must not exceed 10 pages in length including references and should be submitted through the EasyChair submission system. Full papers should be anonymized and adhere the format provided in the template. A small selection of the best full papers will be invited to submit extended versions in a special issue of Elsevier’s journal for Child Computer Interaction.

Short papers:

Submission deadline: 17 March 2014    EasyChair

Notification to authors: 18 April 2014

All short papers will be published in the conference proceedings in the ACM digital library. Short papers should report original work and may address any of the areas listed in the conference topics. Compared to full papers, short papers can be more exploratory and preliminary in nature, they can report on going work-in progress, or present a concrete contribution of a more narrow and specific scope. Papers must identify and cite relevant published work and explain how the paper furthers state of the art within Interaction Design and Children.

Short papers must not exceed 4 pages in length including references and should be submitted through the EasyChair submission system. Short papers should be anonymized and adhere to the format provided in the template.


Submission deadline: 22. January 2014    EasyChair

Notification to authors: 4. February 2014

Workshops provide a forum for in-depth discussions, resource exchange and networking related to specific topics within IDC. A workshop may be half-day or full day in length, and typically have 15 to 20 participants. Persons interested in participating in a workshop can submit a position paper to the organizers of that workshop. Please notice that attendants must register for both the workshop and the IDC conference itself.

Potential organizers are invited to submit a workshop proposal consisting of the following components:

  1. Coversheet with workshop title, names & contact information for organizers, and proposed workshop length.
  2. A proposal (not to exceed 3000 words) in CHI extended abstracts format, describing the scope of the workshop, who is expected to participate, main topics covered, and expected workshop outcomes
  3. Brief abstract to appear in the program
  4. Short CV or bio for each of the organizers
  5. 300-word call for participation that you will use to publicize your workshop

Long call participation (similar to this one), which will contain any further information that may help to promote the workshop.

Proposals will not undergo a full peer review, however an expert jury will consider each submission based on the workshop topic’s potential for generating community interest and useful results.


Submission deadline: 21 March 2014    EasyChair

Notification: 14 April 2014

Authors are encouraged to submit demos that have not been previously published or that have not been shown at previous editions of IDC, or that present a clear leap forward from previous versions. Authors are also encouraged to demonstrate work in progress and late-breaking research results that show the latest innovative ideas.

Demo papers must not exceed 4 pages in length including references and should be submitted through the EasyChair submission system. Demo papers should be anonymized and adhere the format provided in the template.

Doctoral Consortium:

Submission deadline: 21. March 2014    EasyChair

Notification to authors: 14. April 2014

The DC is a forum for PhD students to present their work, to receive feedback and guidance, to help them in completing their Phd research. It is a closed event where only PhD students can participate. Interested students should submit an extended research abstract describing:

  1. their research topic
  2. the work so far
  3. the methods used
  4. the planned next steps

Abstracts will be reviewed and selected on the basis of quality and regarding the benefit students may derive from participating on the DC. Preference will be given to:

  • students who have already worked at least 9 months on their PhD
  • and who have more than 9 months of work left to do.

Candidates should provide a 4-page abstract of their thesis and submit through the EasyChair submission system. Doctoral consortium papers should adhere the format provided in the template.


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