COOP 2014
Eleventh International Conference on the Design of Cooperative Systems
27-30 May, 2014
Maison des Sciences de l’Homme et de la Société Sud-Est
Nice, France
- 8 November 2013 – Deadline for paper submissions
- 1 February 2014 – Notification of acceptance/rejection
- 15 February 2014 – Camera ready Papers
- 27-30 May 2014 – COOP 2014 conference in Nice
COOP is one of the key European conferences on Cooperative Systems, Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) and Collaborative Computing and is affiliated to EUSSET – the European Society for Socially Embedded Technologies.
COOP 2014 will be the eleventh edition of the biennial COOP conference and will take place in Nice, France and hosted by the Maison des Sciences de l’Homme et de la Société Sud-Est.
Historically, COOP brought together the French tradition in Cognitive Ergonomics and the European tradition of CSCW. However, while this history is important, the focus of COOP has developed over the last few conferences. It now embraces a wider set of research questions on technologies and related issues within social, organisational and societal settings. The conference aims to bring together researchers and practitioners who contribute to the design, assessment and analysis of cooperative systems and their integration in organizations, public venues and other settings. The COOP conferences promote the idea that cooperative systems design ideally requires a deep understanding of collective activities, involving both artifacts and social practices, within a given in context.
In keeping with the conference’s tradition, COOP 2014 will take place in an Intimate setting, facilitating in-depth discussion and feedback in a multi-disciplinary environment. As well as welcoming back experienced researchers, academics and practitioners we are keen to embrace a wider research community. We welcome different perspectives from those doing relevant work who have not been to COOP before and we are paying special attention to encouraging up-and-coming researchers within the community with some specially designed features within the programme.
Contributions are solicited from a wide range of domains contributing to the fields of cooperative systems design and evaluation: CSCW, HCI, Information Systems, social and collaborative media, multi-agent systems, organizational and management sciences, sociology, psychology, anthropology, ergonomics, design, etc.
COOP 2014 will feature a single-track program of high-quality research papers, including a session dedicated to the work of early-career researchers, a workshops and masterclasses track and a Doctoral Colloquium.
For the “Early Career Researchers Track”, we encourage early career researchers who wish to publish their work and receive in depth-feedback (PhD students close to completion, < 3 years post-doc experience, etc.) to submit to the track, which will constitute of a special paper session in the main conference program. The papers will be included in the main conference proceedings.
Accepted papers will be included in a book of proceedings published by Springer, and will be indexed in the ACM digital library
Full papers must be no longer than 16 pages and formatted according to the Springer template:
Papers submissions will take place via Easychair and the submission system will go live in the near future.
Submission requirements and deadlines to be announced soon for:
Doctoral Colloquium
Organising Chair: Bernard Conein (University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis)
Scientific Co-Chairs: Luigina Ciolfi (Sheffield Hallam University, UK) and David Martin (Xerox Research Centre Europe, France)
Workshop and Masterclasses Co-Chairs: Nina Boulus-Rødje (IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark) and Michael Prilla (Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany)
Early-Career Researchers Track Chair: Barry Brown (Mobile Life Center, Sweden)
Doctoral Colloquium Co-Chairs: Liam Bannon (University of Limerick, Ireland and University of Aarhus, Denmark) and Myriam Lewkowicz (Université de Technologie de Troyes, France)
Local arrangements: Jean-Charles Briquet-Laugier (MSHS Sud-Est, France)
Proceedings Chair: TBA
For queries regarding paper submissions please contact the scientific co-chairs David Martin ( and Luigina Ciolfi (
For full information on the conference:
Gabriela Avram, Ireland
Mark Ackerman, USA
Michael Baker, France
Flore Barcellini, France
Liam Bannon, Ireland
Susanne Bodker, Denmark
Jean-Francois Boujut, France
Nina Boulus-Rødje, Denmark
Beatrice Cahour, France
Peter Carstensen, Denmark
Lars Rune Christensen, Denmark
Luigina Ciolfi, UK
Connor Graham, Australia
Maria Francesca Costabile, Italy
Francoise Darses, France
Antonella De Angeli, Italy
Francoise Decortis, Belgium
Giorgio De Michelis, Italy
Boris De Ruyter, Netherlands
Cleidson De Souza, Brazil
Francoise Detienne, France
Yvonne Dittrich, Denmark
Monica Divitini, Norway
Julie Dugdale, France
Myriam Frejus, France
Alain Giboin, France
Tom Gross, Germany
Richard Harper, UK
Thomas Herrmann, Germany
Giulio Jacucci, Finland
Marina Jirotka, UK
Aditya Johri, USA
Andrea Kienle, Germany
Karine Lan Hing Ting, France
Catherine Letondal, France
Myriam Lewkowicz, France
Jan Ljundberg, Sweden
Paul Luff, UK
Gloria Mark, USA
David Martin, France
Anders Morch, Norway
Keiichi Nakata, Japan
Bernhard Nett, Germany
Laurence Nigay, France
Maria Normark, Södertörn University
Jackie O’Neill, France
Volkmar Pipek, Germany
Michael Prilla, Germany
Wolfgang Prinz, Germany
Dave Randall, UK
Stuart Reeves, UK
Markus Rohde, Germany
John Rooksby, UK
Mark Rouncefield, UK
Pascal Salembier, France
Kjeld Schmidt, Denmark
Carla Simone, Italy
Gunnar Stevens, Germany
Hilda Tellioglu, Austria
Volker Wulf, Germany
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