The future of virtual reality

[From The Sydney Morning Herald’s Smoke & Mirrors blog]

[Image: The walls of Sydney’s Town Hall Station resembled a Woolworth’s supermarket shelf in Australia’s first virtual supermarket. Photo: Getty Images]

Virtual reality at a tipping point

By George Wright
June 4, 2012

Technology is only going to get more immersive and consume a bigger percentage of our attention.

Take Ready Player One, a book by Ernest Cline. This work of fiction describes a near future where our over populated and environmentally damaged planet sees society flee their daily struggles to interact in a massively multiplayer world.

When the eccentric Jobs/Zuckerberg-esque Creator dies and leaves his entire fortune to the first person who can solve three puzzles, the stakes escalate to see who can be first to take control of the immense fortune and digital empire. Think Facebook meets World of Warcraft or Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory mashed up with Neuromancer.

While obviously a work of fiction, Cline draws heavily from technology that already exists and platforms that are emerging. Cline’s somewhat pessimistic dystopia is grounded in a certain technical probability.

I want to use the speculative Ready Player One as an excuse to visit some of these technologies.

A key concept in the novel is that virtual environments have achieved enough immersion that its users are satisfied with the interactions as substitute for the real world. When the real world is as bad as the one described, it is easy to understand. Physical risk is virtually implied but the financial, emotional and lifestyle/status risk is real.

This first point is already becoming a reality, as more business move[s] into the cloud and e-commerce becomes a constant our money, goods and services will become more virtual. The Australian launch of Spotify can attest that as consumers we are becoming more willing to subscribe to (or rent) access to goods. It is a trend I don’t see weakening.

Social media has many documented cases of being the catalyst for job gain and loss, social climbing and falling from grace. Status is not something reserved only to physical reality, status is wherever and whenever two or more people interact. So once again, where our attention is there is social currency in action.

In my university days, I was a co-owner/developer of one of the larger pre-graphical multi-user communities. Multi-user dimension (or dungeons) known as MUDS were virtual worlds rendered in text and inhabited by thousands. I always knew that, as the web matured and the hardware became more capable, these worlds would get more advanced, accessible and accepted. Today’s massively multiplayer games and even social networks have these internet chat programs as part of their DNA.

My point is that as technology improves and visual, auditory and even olfactory realism progresses, there is already an audience ready to migrate. There always has been.

Immersive environments are on the edge of prime time. SmartServices CRC, a research cooperative (of which Fairfax Media, owner of this site, is a participant) has been working with the NSW Department of Education and Communities to use immersive environments in education. There’s special emphasis on distance education and creating environments which make students feel part of a class, rather than just lone distant participants.

The key to this approach is using multiple webcam feeds and 3D sounds so students can really see each other and get the feeling that the virtual space is inhabited.

Discussions can occur naturally, groups can form and a sense of buzz can be created as you move around the space drifting between different conversations attenuated by distance. It is remarkably easy to commit to the virtual space and let the mechanics of the remote access be relegated to the periphery of the conversations.

Similarly, immersive environments are being used for training and simulation. Hospitals, mining companies, the military and emergency services train staff in dangerous scenarios safely.

The world described in Ready Player One has its population donning retinal projecting goggles and full body haptic (tactile) suits. Both of these technologies have a lot of research being channelled into them.

Smartphones have already started utilising very basic haptic feedback using vibrations to simulate button presses. Haptic gloves use tiny bladders that can be filled with air or liquid to simulate more complicated sensations of touch such as rough or smooth surfaces. Haptic technology has been around for a while and is fundamental to Braille keyboards. The day when you can buy a set of haptic gloves at a reasonable price will soon be upon us.

Google continues to demonstrate their yet unfinished smart glasses to the media. Sergey Brin recently suggested that Project Glass may arrive in the next 12 to 16 months. I am sure that other manufacturers are working on their own prototypes as I write this.

Scent dispensers have had some limited commercial releases. USB-controlled devices that can manufacture a limited range of smells to try to computerise what bakers have known for centuries, that the sense of smell is one of the most powerful invokers of memory.

Cinemas have started experimenting with pumping in scents at key plot points of movies. I have no doubt it is a very effective way of enhancing experience, I’m just not sure if it is going to be enough reason to make a visit to the cinemas other than novelty. I’ll wait and smell though.

The technology will develop with a discrete purpose in mind such as education and entertainment, for example, but ultimately reach its fulfilment when all the pieces are put together to enable financial, emotional and social status interactions.

The convergence of cloud computing, powerful graphic processors, sense manipulating hardware, speech and gesture recognition when applied to telecommuting, virtual travel, distance education and many other experiences will open the door to new highs and lows of human/computer interaction.

I am excited by the possibilities and hoping my reason for getting immersed in these worlds is to enhance my connection with society and community, not to escape it.

George Wright keeps his eye on emerging technology trends and figures out how they impact life and business. This author is on Google+


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