Call: ARTIFICIAL GAME: Third International Video Game Studies Conference (SVI 2024)

Call for Abstracts

Third International Video Game Studies Conference (SVI 2024)
Organized by The University of Novi Sad, Academy of Arts, The Institute of Ethnography SASA, and Serbian Games Association
December 17-18, 2024
Novi Sad, Serbia

Submission deadline: September 30, 2024

The third edition of the SVI video game conference is inspired by the rapid development of artificial intelligence, and aims to bring together industrial practice and academic theories. Both scholars and developers are welcomed. Addressing issues such as the place of artificial intelligence in gaming and its impact on game-making, the potential for abuse and other ethical issues, rethinking player interaction, the role of artificial intelligence in creating narratives, the artificial worlds that games create and more, this conference aims to bring together questions of art and the problems of industry, and gather them around the phenomenon of the artificial, thereby emphasizing the position of video games as unique creations that are fully programs and art, but in any case complex and mediated categories. Reflecting the issue’s complexity, the conference will be held in three blocks dedicated to different types of permeation.


Suggested themes include but are not limited to:

Video game technology and production

  • Video game design: yesterday, today and tomorrow
  • The history of artificial intelligence in video games
  • AI and the consolidation of power in the gaming industry
  • Virtual reality and the metaverse
  • Artificial industry: the impact of AI on personnel
  • Ethical and legal dilemmas of using AI for game production
  • Blockchain and video games – do web3 technologies still have a place in gaming?
  • Dark patterns in game design: AI and addiction

Technology and the production of culture

  • Video games with an agenda: serious games and social technologies
  • Artificial art: video games as art and new media art practices
  • Video games as cultural heritage and cultural heritage as video games
  • Artificial writers: the role of AI in video game narratives
  • Video game narratives as cultural constructs
  • The politics of video games: power relations and gaming
  • Representations and the role of technology in video game narratives
  • Culture and techno-(po)ethics

Technology and the production of reality

  • New technologies and new forms of video games
  • Game ontologies: what is artificial in games?
  • Immersion in video games and the phenomenology of gaming
  • Simulacrums of video games: the hyperreality of synthetic worlds
  • Playing with players: players as game objects and AI as subject
  • Performing identity in virtual worlds
  • Video game futurology: technology in video games as futurology (and vice versa)
  • Gamification and the “artificialization” of real-world experiences


Espen Aarseth
Head of PhD School, Digital Design
Play, Culture and AI Section
Center for Digital Play, ITU Copenhagen


The official language of the conference is English. Abstracts of up to 300 words, with up to 5 keywords before September 30th, 2024 should be sent to


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