Call for Papers
Workshop in Paris on 3D Sketching Across Cognition, Design, and Art
Part of ECCE 2024, the European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics
October 8, 2024 (ECCE 2024: October 8-11, 2024)
Paris, France
Submission deadline: July 15, 2024
We are inviting contributions to a workshop on recent research advances on sketching using extended reality technologies, and their implications for cognitive ergonomics, environmental psychology, human-computer interaction, and design. The workshop will be held as part of ECCE 2024 conference (October 8-11 2024, Paris, France) and organized as an interactive event, including short talks, group discussions, and hands-on demos. We invite position papers of 2-4 pages maximum (one column, following the general ECCE ACM conference format).
Position papers deadline: Monday, July 15, 2024
Notification: Friday, July 26, 2024
Workshop date: Tuesday, October 8, 2024
Workshop format: full-day
Cost: €60 if you have already registered for ECCE; €80 to attend this workshop-only
Submission format: 4 pages maximum, one column, in ECCE ACM conference format
Hands-on demos: If you would like to showcase a system (XR, VR, other) please contact us
Sketching is a fundamental component of design activities (in architecture, industrial design, and others) which beyond being a means of creative expression, is also an instrument for thought and reasoning. As Goldschmidt writes:
“sketching introduces a special kind of dialectics into design reasoning that is indeed rather unique. It hinges on interactive imagery, by a continuous production of displays pregnant with clues, for the purpose of visually reasoning not about something previously perceived, but about something to be composed, the yet nonexistent entity which is being designed” (Goldschmidt, 1991).
In cognitive science, sketching has also been used to externalise or probe people’s cognitive representations of space, e.g. in the form of sketch maps (Krukar et al., 2018). Recent developments in extended reality technologies (XR) have created new modes of sketching in 2D and 3D space, using immersive head-mounted displays and diverse inputs. The novel ability to directly sketch in 3D spaces affords new research paradigms in the fields of human-computer interaction (Arora et al., 2017) as well as in spatial cognition, and is relevant for fields such as information processing, wayfinding, navigation (Gonyop et al, 2022). The integrated recording of temporal and three-dimensional information afforded by new sketching devices, enables research to explore topics such as 3D and volumetric spatial cognition, immersive design activity and others.These may include the development of novel, multimodal interfaces for sketching, 2D/3D sketching as an interface method for design (Ye et al. 2021), 2D/3D sketch maps as a scientific instrument, applications of AI on sketches and other topics.
These technological developments raise the need for new conceptual and analytical models about the role of 3D sketching in design activities, new affordances for individual or collaborative work, as well as the emergence of new possibilities to probe 3D spatial cognition (Linton et al., 2022), and others. In this workshop we aim to explore these interdependent topics including (but not limited to) presentations about:
- Sketching in VR, AR, XR
- Applications and studies of 3D sketching in specific domains (design, engineering, medical, arts)
- New technological developments for 3D sketching
- Novel input interfaces, computational processing of user-inputs in 3D sketching
- Sketching and artificial intelligence
- Qualitative and quantitative analysis of sketching activity
- Talks on all accepted paper submissions
- Group discussion on emerging themes in 3D sketching
- Brainstorming session on new challenges introduced by 3D sketching
- Hands-on demonstrations of prototype systems
Workshop website:
Panos Mavros, Asst Prof, I3 UMR 9217 CNRS – Telecom Paris, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, France
Jakub Krukar, Junior Professor in Spatial Cognition at the Institute for Geoinformatics, University of Muenster
For inquiries about the workshop, please contact Panos Mavros (panos.mavros[at] AND Jakub Krukar (krukar[at]
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