Call for Papers
Intelligent Systems Conference (IntelliSys) 2024
September 5-6, 2024
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Submission deadline: December 15, 2023
IntelliSys 2024 will focus in areas of intelligent systems and artificial intelligence and how it applies to the real world. IntelliSys provides a leading international forum that brings together researchers and practitioners from diverse fields with the purpose of exploring the fundamental roles, interactions as well as practical impacts of Artificial Intelligence. It is part of the conference series started in 2013.
The conference programme will include paper presentations, poster sessions and project demonstrations, along with prominent keynote speakers and industrial workshops. All submitted papers will be reviewed by experts in the field based on the criteria of originality, significance, quality and clarity.
Authors are kindly invited to submit their papers/ posters/ demo proposals as per the call for papers schedule below.
Important Dates:
- Submission Deadline: 15 December 2023
- Acceptance Notification: 15 January 2024
- Camera Ready Submission: 15 February 2024
- Conference Dates: 5-6 September 2024
Artificial Intelligence
- Deep Learning
- Large language models (LLMs)
- Neural Networks
- Fuzzy Logic
- Computational Intelligence
- Natural Language Processing
- Data Science
- Machine Learning
- Biometrics
- Sentiment Analysis
Computer Vision
- Human Computer Interaction
- Pattern Recognition
- Image Processing
- Intrusion Detection
- Brain-Machine Interface
- Autonomous vehicles
- Signal Processing
- Medical Diagnosis
- Segmentation Techniques
- Virtual Reality
- Humanoid Robots
- Space and underwater robots
- Assistive Robots
- Mobile Robots
- Autonomous Systems
- Human-Robot Interaction
- Telerobotics
- Walking and Climbing Robots
- Robotic Automation
- Robot Localization and Map Building
Intelligent Systems
- Agents and Multi-agent Systems
- Context-aware pervasive systems
- Intelligent Transportation Systems
- Internet of Things
- Smart Cities
- Geographic Information Systems
- Big Data
- Neuromorphic systems
- Sensing and Sensor Networks
- Affective computing
Authors are kindly invited to submit their formatted full papers/posters including results, tables, figures and references.
All paper submissions will be double-blind peer reviewed and evaluated based on originality, research content, correctness, relevance to conference and readability. Please read complete call for papers guidelines before submitting your paper.
- Online Submission: Paper Submission can be completed online at
- Email Submission: If you are unable to submit your manuscript using Online System, you may submit with complete details via email to
- We accept files in .docx/.doc/.pdf/Latex Pdf format – as per the call for papers schedule
- In the initial submission, please do not enter in author details, university, country information or any other author related information in the paper to be in line with the double blind peer review process. This information should be supplied using the online submission form or cover letter in case of email submission.
- Papers should be thoroughly checked and proofread before submission. After you have submitted your article you are unable to make any changes to it during the refereeing process—although if accepted, you will have a chance to make minor revisions after refereeing and before the final submission of your paper.
- At the time of camera ready submission, please include complete author information as per the paper format.
- Papers must be in English and not more than 20 pages in length.
- Paper content must be original and relevant to one of the many conference topics.
- Authors are required to ensure accuracy of quotations, citations, diagrams, maps, and tables.
- Figures and tables need to be placed where they are to appear in the text and must be clear and easy to view.
- Papers must follow format according to the downloadable template
The review process will be double-blind. Therefore, please anonymize your submission. This means that all submissions must contain no information identifying the author(s) or their organization(s): Do not put the author(s) names or affiliation(s) at the start of the paper, anonymize citations to and mentions of your own prior work that are directly related to your present work, and do not include funding or other acknowledgments.
Each paper will be reviewed by at least three regular PC members or two senior PC members. The acceptance decisions will take into account paper novelty, technical depth, elegance, practical or theoretic impact, and presentation.
- Original: the paper explores a new idea, project or issue; discusses existing research with promise of new insight, discusses new research; or presents new ways of considering existing information.
- Engaging: presentation format will involve the audience in some way, or has high potential to attract conference attendees by addressing needs of the community.
- Significant: the paper raises and discusses issues important to improving the effectiveness of existing techniques, and its contents can be broadly disseminated and understood.
- Quality: claims are supported by sufficient data; claims draw upon relevant literature; and limitations are described honestly.
- Clear: the intended outcomes of the paper are easily understood.
- Relevant: the paper addresses one or more of the tracks of the conference.
IntelliSys 2024 proceedings will be published in Springer series “Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems” and submitted for consideration to Web of Science, SCOPUS, INSPEC, WTI Frankfurt eG, zbMATH and SCImago.
SAI Conference Awards is presented to the authors to have written the best paper or poster appearing in the annual conference proceedings. Recipients are presented with a trophy and certificate that describes the award. The awards are announced and bestowed during the conference closing session.
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