Call for Abstracts
PhAI 2023
5th Conference on “Philosophy of AI”
(A conference of the Society for Philosophy of AI)
December 15-16, 2023
Erlangen, Germany
(Previous conferences: Thessaloniki 2011, Oxford 2013, Leeds, 2017, Gothenburg, 2021)
Submission deadline (extended): October 22, 2023
Vincent C. Müller with, Aliya R. Dewey, Leonard Dung, Guido Löhr
Centre for Philosophy and AI Research (PAIR), Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU)
- Joanna Bryson (Hertie School, Berlin)
- Herman Cappellen (University of Hong Kong)
- Marta Halina (Cambridge, England)
- Sven Nyholm (LMU Munich)
KREUZ+QUER, Bohlenplatz 1, Erlangen, 91054, Germany
We request anonymous long abstracts of 800-1000 words (plus references) in PDF. Papers should not be already published. Standard anonymous academic paper format, with references. All submissions will be reviewed double-blind by 2-3 members of the programme committee. Accepted papers will be presented at the conference and published in the proceedings – if publication is desired. There will be two kinds of live presentations (no online presentations):
- Standard papers (presentation 25 minutes, including discussion, publication in conference volume
- Poster presentations (poster, publication of long abstract in conference volume)
Submission online at EasyChair:
Submission of abstracts: 15 October 2023 NOW 22 October 2023
Decisions announced: 31 October 2023
Conference: 15–16 December 2023
Submission for publication: 31 January 2024 (details to follow)
Accepted papers and posters will be published in a volume of proceedings (likely in Springer’s SAPERE series or the Synthese series). Upload to a freely accessible place is encouraged (e.g. PhilPapers).
Philosophy of AI, including ethics of AI. In particular, this includes any philosophical work that aims to (a) understand the limits and potential of AI, (b) understand the opportunities and risks for AI in human interactions, (c) use AI to better understand natural intelligences (e.g., human and non-human animals), and (d) use AI as examples and methods in the sciences (e.g., cognitive science) and other areas of philosophy (e.g., philosophy of mind, philosophy of language, epistemology, ethics).The following is a non-exhaustive list of relevant topics:
AI and issues in theoretical philosophy:
- Complexity
- Computation
- Consciousness
- Creativity
- Free will
- Information
- Intelligence
- Language
- Intentionality, representation, meaning
- Knowledge & understanding
- Superintelligence & singularity
- Life
AI & issues in practical philosophy (Ethics of AI)
- Human dignity and AI
- Impact on society
- Machine ethics
- Bias & fairness
- Alignment & existential risk
- Misinformation, echo chambers, & democracy
- AI regulation & liberalism
- Political & economical inequality
- Privacy & manipulation
- Responsibility & rights for machines
- Risk to humanity & AI safety
Approaches & Methods of AI
- Big data analytics
- Cognitive architecture
- Cooperation & interaction
- Cybernetics
- Dynamical systems
- Embodiment
- Enactive cognition
- Embedded & extended mind
- Expert systems
- Generative AI
- Large language models
- Machine learning & neural networks
- Neuroscience & AI
- Non-symbolic AI
- Robotics
Challenges of AI
- Action selection & rational choice
- Brain emulation and uploading
- Symbol grounding
- Common sense
- Frame problem
- Gödelian arguments
- Turing Test
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