Call for Abstracts
Eco-socio-botics 2022 – Social Robotics for sustainability
@ The 14th International Conference on Social Robotics (ICSR 2022)
Florence, Italy
December 13-16, 2022
Workshop: December 16, 2022
Important Dates:
Paper submission: November, 14, 2022
Notification of acceptance: November, 20, 2022
Workshop: December, 16, 2022
We are interested in submissions of original research on Social Robotics and sustainability, or related transdisciplinary research in fields relevant to Social Robotics.
The submissions, in the form of abstracts (min 500, max 1000 words), should explore one or more specific aspects of the relationship between Social Robotics and sustainability (e.g., theoretical, methodological, social, anthropological, epistemological, ethical, applicative, technical aspects) based on research developed in Social Robotics, HRI and/or related fields, with a preference for transdisciplinary and cross-disciplinary approaches. In particular, the submitted abstracts should present original research works dealing with questions such as – but not limited to – the following:
- How can the interaction with social robots help us to rethink a new ecological and ethical way of living?
- What robot prototypes can we imagine that are useful for sustainability? What features should they have? What design?
- Can we develop robotic technologies and applications that interact with humans and at the same time can contribute to sustainability and the green transition?
- Could we build robots in a more sustainable way? (e.g., with recyclable, reconditioned, or environmentally friendly materials) Could they work with renewable energy sources?
- To what extent should a robot influence human behavior, even if it is for a noble purpose such as environmental sustainability?
- What are the groundings, possibilities, limits, and expected results of current research programs involving sustainability in Social Robotics and HRI research?
- What are the possible ethical implications of such an invasive technology on people’s behavior?
- What principles should be included in the design of next generation social robots and human-robot (social) interactions?
To know more about the Eco-socio-botics 2022 workshop, please visit our website ( or contact us at
How to submit an abstract:
If you would like to contribute to our workshop, please write an email to with:
- list of authors;
- title of the abstract you intend to present;
- your abstract (min 500, max 1000 words, bibliography included).
Workshop description:
For details on objectives, structure, invited speakers and program of the Eco-socio-botics 2022 workshop, please visit our website (
Publication plans:
We will publish the selected abstracts on the website of the workshop. Once the workshop is concluded, we intend to proceed with the co-edition of a special issue in a scientific journal.
For further details, please visit our website.
Organizing Committee:
Ilaria Alfieri, IULM University (Milan, Italy)
Antonio Fleres, IULM University (Milan, Italy)
Luisa Damiano, IULM University (Milan, Italy)
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