Call for Papers
4th European Conference on the Impact of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics (ECIAIR 2022)
Virtual via Zoom
December 1-2, 2022
Late submissions being accepted [as of September 21, 2022]
The virtual 4th European Conference on the Impact of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics (ECIAIR 2022) is accepting late submissions of papers, presentations and virtual posters. The conference which is hosted by ACI and supported by EM Normandie Business School, Oxford Campus, UK will run fully virtually on 1 – 2 December 2022.
The motivation to launch the European Conference on the Impact of AI and Robotics (ECIAIR 2022) came about as a result of the maturing of artificial intelligence and robotics, particularly of the cognitive computing kind, which is producing an unprecedented revolution in the role of work and professionals in society. So this Conference aims to focus not so much on the technology itself, but rather its consequence on knowledge work and society. We are looking for research with a broad set of approaches from the future of the professions; through knowledge networks enabled by cognitive computing and other technologies; education issues; collaborative robots; ever-more autonomous machines and their relationship with humans; whether we will need to demand ethical or at least acceptable social behaviours on the part of machines; considerations on assigning personhood to machines; to name a few topics. We would like to see the ECIAIR develop into a key forum where natural scientists, social scientists and philosophers come together to envision the future of society in the context of advanced AI and Robotics, so as to keep progress in balance with the meaning of life and the destiny of humankind – the stakes are much to high to do otherwise. So we also welcome contributions from philosophers reflecting on the ethical dimension of AI and the balance between science and conscience.
- The consequences of AI and robotics on work and society
- The governance of AI and AI in governance
- The future of the professions
- Enabling knowledge networks with cognitive computing and other technologies
- Ethical and acceptable social behaviours
- Organisational and social impact of AI
- How can AI explain its thinking?
- Legal services
- Algorithmic bias in AI
- Quantum AI
- Sectorial applications of AI including:
- Fintech and the financial services industry
- Life sciences and healthcare
- Utilities and transport management services
- In the development of Smart-cities
- In government
- In education and training
- In gaming
- In scientific research
- In healthcare
- In marketing
- Collaborative robots and human-robot interaction
- Roboethics
- Exploiting robotics in educational praxis
- Society 5.0
We would also welcome applications of AI to solving some of the World’s global challenges such as to improve the health and wellbeing of children and young people in growing urban environments around the world; to help civilisation migrate from hydrocarbons to non-fossil sources of energy and other activities to mitigate the climate crisis; to contribute to the continued eradication of extreme poverty in the World.
- Malicious Use of Artificial Intelligence: New Challenges for Democratic Institutions and Political Stability
- Artificial Intelligence for Behaviour Change and Transformation
- Ethics of AI & Robotics
For more information on, or to submit to, a Mini Track, please click here
The conference will have a fantastic range of Keynote Speakers:
- Dr Andy Edmonds, from ThinkBase LLC, USA, will be talking about AI on the Edge of Predictability
- Prof Lode Lauwaert, KU Leuven, Belgium, who will speak on: Ethics of AI: Does AI lead to a responsibility gap?
- Prof Catholijn M. Jonker, from the Interactive Intelligence Group, Fac. EEMCS, TU Delft and Explainable Artificial Intelligence, LIACS, Leiden University will talk about: Meaningful Human Control in Robotics and Decision Support Systems
- Dr Velislava Hillman, London School of Economics and Political Science speaking on the topic AI (In)justice in Education: Challenges for Policy, Governance and Society
Papers accepted for the conference will be published in the conference proceedings, subject to author registration and payment. The Open-Access Proceedings have an ISSN, ISBN and will be submitted for indexing in the Thompson Web of Science and the Ebsco database of conference proceedings. Papers published will also be considered for further development and publication in a number of international journals.
Full conference details:
To see the full call for papers and to submit an abstract, please see:
Academic Enquiries: Professor Dan Remenyi
Submission Enquiries: Julia Hawkins
Registration Enquiries: Belinda Burchell
Other Enquiries: ECIAIR Other Enquiries
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