Call: Workshop on Digital Citizenship at Radboud University

[Note: The focus of this workshop isn’t explicitly presence-related but there are obvious connections. –Matthew]


Workshop on Digital Citizenship
September 1-2, 2022
Radboud University Nijmegen (The Netherlands)

We hereby would like to announce a workshop to be hosted on digital citizenship. There are also still a few slots open for presentations. If you’re interested in giving a talk that fits the workshop theme, please get in touch with the organization (details below).


The idea of citizenship holds an important position in western political thought and different conceptions of citizenship have been proposed and challenged. Some focus on citizenship as a legal status which ensures the enjoyment of a selection of rights. Other conceptions of citizenship connect it to political participation, the presence of civility and civic virtue, or even with a shared, collective identity.

The rising importance of information technology challenges our understanding of citizenship. Injustices that spark public outcry ripple through social networks, ignoring national borders and feeding broader tensions. Democratic deliberation, complex as it is, is further muddied online by foreign actors. News – both fake and real – spreads faster than ever, yet their epistemic foundations are contested and politicised. Some worry about the influence of online platforms on democracy and widespread civility, while others emphasize their potential as new, accessible public fora.

In this workshop, we would like to engage with these questions and discuss what it means to be a citizen in a highly digitalised world. Which virtues and duties would befit citizens with regards to the digital realm? Which vices and vulnerabilities should we be wary of in digital environments? What is the status of technology companies, and which civic duties do they have? And: how can information technology support or enhance citizenship, political participation and virtuous behaviour?

We aim for an interdisciplinary conversation and welcome contributions from philosophy as well as from legal theory, social sciences and computer science.

Lavinia Marin (TU Delft)
James Muldoon (University of Exeter)
Titus Stahl (University of Groningen)
Frederik Zuiderveen-Borgesius (Radboud University)

NB. We especially encourage all who identify as members of underrepresented groups in academia to get in touch if they are interested in giving a talk at this event. Travel costs (within Europe, trains are preferred) can be reimbursed up to €100.


Workshop registration costs are 25,-  (students attend free of cost). To register, please drop a message to Bernd Hoeksema.


  • Bernd Hoeksema (iHub, Radboud University Nijmegen,
  • Fleur Jongepier (iHub, Radboud University Nijmegen)
  • Bart Jacobs (iHub, Radboud University Nijmegen)


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