Call for Participation
Computer Human Interaction and Music nEtwork (CHIME) online launch
Online and free
Wednesday April 27th, 2022 at 4pm GMT
The CHIME Network — a UK-based EPSRC network focussed on Music and HCI — is launching on 27 April. We’re very keen to have the involvement of the wider HCI community, particularly those that have an interest in music/sonic applications. The launch event on 27 April will be online and open to all, with very special guest speakers Steinunn Arnardottir (Lottie, Native Instruments) and Wendy MacKay (INRIA, formerly MIT and former CHI chair).
The network aims to connect and assist researchers from diverse disciplines, whether just starting or established, whose interests span any combination of Music and Human Computer Interaction.
CHIME will create a community of researchers, musicians, industrials, and charities to bring together and disseminate knowledge, training and expertise in a wide range of emerging areas through events, workshops, training, visits and new collaborations.
Visit the online launch event on Wednesday April 27th at 4pm GMT with 30-minute presentations from Steinunn Arnardóttir (CCRMA, Native Instruments, and now co-founder of Lottie) and Magnus Felix Tryggvason (Lottie) and Wendy MacKay (Research Director at INRIA Saclay, formerly MIT, former Chair of CHI) followed by an open ended discussion. All welcome. To register attendance and for more information on the event, sign up via Eventbrite: - FOR INFORMATION ABOUT FUTURE EVENTS:
Sign up to the CHIME mail list for announcements on events, workshops, training and visits: - TO HELP INFLUENCE WHAT THE GROUP DOES AND TO BECOME MORE INVOLVED:
Use the CHIME discuss list to tell us about events, activities, talks, training you would like to see, or would like to propose, or would like to volunteer for. We are keen to have future talks from PhD students and research groups, and activities or visits linked to charities and SMEs.
The next few activities are online, but we are keen to develop hybrid and site specific events as soon as circumstances permit.
[From the CHIME website: ]
The objectives of CHIME are to:
- Connect academic researchers from different disciplines with a common interest in Music interaction (MI) to realise a wide range of distinctive new opportunities for research and impact through new collaborations.
- Create a sustained dialogue between the music interaction community and the wider HCI community in order to identify and explore how recent ideas from MI can contribute new perspectives to mainstream HCI and vice-versa, and identify concerns of MI requiring unique approaches.
- Create development opportunities so that researchers in any discipline can access timely training with newly relevant technologies, techniques and methods.
- Connect academic researchers with creative industries and charitable organisations, and vice versa, with the aims of identifying, creating and facilitating new collaborative projects and products.
The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with registration number SC005336. Is e buidheann carthannais a th’ ann an Oilthigh Dhùn Èideann, clàraichte an Alba, àireamh clàraidh SC005336.
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