Call for Papers
INPE Conference 2022
18th International Network of Philosophers of Education Conference
‘Pedagogical Forms in Times of Pandemic’
August 17-20, 2022
Aarhus University, Danish School of Education, Copenhagen (Denmark) [and online; see NOTE below]
Submission deadline: 1st of March 2022
NOTE: The conference is planned to take place on-site, in Copenhagen. However, due to the limited travel possibilities that the pandemic might still be causing, an option for online presentation will be available.
The recent pandemic seems to have brought to particular attention the value and meaning of pedagogical forms. The reduction of teaching to a uniform activity on a flat digital screen (in wealthier parts of the world) has echoed the sensory loss that is a symptom of the Covid-19 virus itself, turning the art of teaching into a rather two-dimensional experience. Seeing this as a possibility for research in education, however, the current situation can perhaps invigorate a renewed interest in exploring pedagogical forms anew, past and present.
The pandemic has magnified deep-rooted gendered, racial, economic and social injustices on local level, exposing perpetuated inequities particularly within the realm of education. In some contexts, schools have been shut down and the children sent home, literally losing their education as a consequence of the pandemic. In others, the digital divide has become a chasm, separating those who have access to electricity, computers and the Internet from those who do not.
This conference seeks to give time and space to explore the value and meaning of global and local pedagogical forms in times of pandemic. Given its theme, the conference seeks to raise philosophical and educational questions about, for example: Which pedagogical forms have been made possible in the pandemic and which have been lost? Which forms are important to revisit and retrieve, how and why? What are the consequences of digitalization and distance learning to the formative role of education? What becomes of the public role of the school in times of pandemic when borders between the private and the public are redrawn? What is the meaning of rituals and traditions in schools? Do the senses and the body play any particular role in teaching?
- Troy Richardson, Associate Prof. of Philosophy of Education and American Indian and Indigenous Studies, Cornell University, USA
- Jan Masschelein, Professor of Philosophy of Education and head of Laboratory for Education and Society, University of Leuven (KU Leuven), Belgium
- Anne-Marie Eggert Olsen, Assoc. Prof. of Philosophy of Education, Danish School of Education, Aarhus University, Denmark.
The conference invites philosophical papers reflecting on education in relation to the theme above and/or in relation to a number of sub-themes. All conference proposals should be sent to the Chair of the Programme Committee, Lovisa Bergdahl ( by March 1st, 2022. For more details on sub-themes, venue, types of sessions etc. go to our conference website:
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