Call: The Future of Filmmaking: AI for Volumetric Capture and Reconstruction (Online; free)

Call for Participation

The Future of Filmmaking: AI for Volumetric Capture and Reconstruction
Presented by Silicon Valley ACM SIGGRAPH
Monday, December 6, 2021
7:00 PM to 9:00 PM PST
Online – Join Zoom Meeting:

One picture is worth a thousand words, so what have been told with videos? What about 100 simultaneous videos to reconstruct every frame of life in a 10.000 sq. ft dome? Is it enough to reconstruct and digitize us realistically? Similar to other industries, the entertainment industry is also being reshaped by AI, especially towards AR/VR consumption. Before the democratization of AI and data, such immersive experiences were lacking an essential element: photorealism. As the amount of data increased, our models got deeper, and the reality became decipherable.

This talk will introduce recent deep learning advancements in 3D vision, reconstruction, and shape understanding techniques with a focus on generative models to digitize performances and scenes. Then we will shift gears with an overview of such models in 3D, and their progression on voxels, point clouds, meshes, graphs, and other 3D representations. Back to our studio, in addition to a discussion about how to process such large visual data, the challenges of scaling 10x over current capture platforms, and over 200x over state-of-the-art datasets will be presented. The talk will conclude with a sneak peek of upcoming VR/AR productions from the world’s largest volumetric capture stage at Intel Studios, as an example of real-world use cases of such AI approaches.

SCHEDULE (times in PST, in the San Francisco Bay Area):
6:50 connect to streaming
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 872 7848 2517
Passcode: 694046

7:00 Chapter Intros, Upcoming Events, Speaker Intro
7:10 presentation starts (~90 min with Q&A)
8:10 – 8:30 wrap up

SPEAKER BIO: (ACM Distinguished Speaker)
Dr. Ilke Demir is based in Hermosa Beach, CA. In the overlap of computer vision and machine learning, Dr. Ilke Demir’s research focuses on generative models for digitizing the real world, deep fake detection and generation techniques, analysis and synthesis approaches in geospatial machine learning, and computational geometry for synthesis and fabrication. Currently, she is a Senior Staff Research Scientist at Intel Corporation.

Dr. Demir earned her Ph.D. and M.S. in Computer Science from Purdue University advised by Prof. Daniel Aliaga, and her B.S. in Computer Engineering from Middle East Technical University with a minor in Electrical Engineering. Her Ph.D. dissertation conceives geometric and topological shape processing approaches for reconstruction, modeling, and synthesis; which pioneered the area of proceduralization. Afterwards, Dr. Demir joined Facebook as a Postdoctoral Research Scientist working with Prof. Ramesh Raskar from MIT, where their team developed the breakthrough innovation on generative street addresses. Her research further included deep learning approaches for human behavior understanding in next generation virtual reality headsets, geospatial machine learning for map creation, and 3D reconstruction at scale.

At the intersection of art and science, Dr. Demir contributed to several animated feature and VR/AR short films in Pixar Animation Studios and Intel Studios, respectively. She established the research foundations of the world’s largest volumetric capture studio at Intel, bridging the gap between the creative process and AI approaches.

Dr. Demir has been actively involved in women in science organisms, always being an advocate for women and underrepresented minorities.

Joint event with SF Bay ACM Chapter


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