Call: Persuasive 2022: The 17th International Conference on Persuasive Technology


Persuasive 2022: The 17th International Conference on Persuasive Technology 2022
Including Special Session on Socially Interactive Agents
Hamad Bin Khalifa University [and online; see COVID-19 NOTE below]
Doha, Qatar
29-31 March 2022

Abstract Submission deadline: 25 November 2021
Paper Submission deadline: 30 November 2021 [Strict]

Please register your abstract and submit your paper here:

COVID-19 NOTE: PT2022 is currently planned to be held as a hybrid conference. We will monitor the COVID-19 situation carefully. If traveling is not possible, it will change to a virtual conference. The proceedings will be published by Springer LNCS regardless.

In a world in which technology is increasingly present in people’s lives, and changing human behavior and attitudes is often the key to solving many societal and personal problems, studying how technology might be used to influence humans (in their behavior, attitudes and information processing), is paramount.

Persuasive technology is a vibrant interdisciplinary research field, focusing on the design, development and evaluation of technologies aimed at influencing people’s attitudes and/or behaviors through informed persuasion, but not through coercion or deception. The research community aims at enriching people’s lives in various domains such as health, sustainability, education and well-being, by supporting the setting and achieving of goals they set for themselves, and thus change their behaviors.

The 2022 conference will be hosted by Hamad Bin Khalifa University in Qatar. The previous versions of conferences have been successfully organised in Bournemouth (2021, online due to COVID-19), Aalborg (2020, online due to COVID-19), Limassol (2019), Waterloo (2018), Amsterdam (2017), Salzburg (2016), Chicago, Padua, Sydney, Linköping, Columbus, Copenhagen, Claremont, Oulu, and Stanford Eindhoven. The conference series seeks to bring together researchers and practitioners from industry and academia working with various topics of persuasive technology.

We welcome the following categories of papers:

  • Technical papers that introduce novel persuasive technology approaches and solutions alongside evidence of their potential
  • Empirical studies which seek to provide evidence and explanation of methods, principles and theories in persuasive systems
  • Conceptual-theoretical papers which primarily seek to contribute to the general understanding of the field’s core themes and specificities
  • Other papers, e.g. literature reviews or experience reports.


The scope of the conference includes (but is not limited to) the following topics:

  • Persuasive systems’ design
  • Behavior change support systems
  • Interaction with persuasive systems, interfaces, visualization
  • Interactive agents in persuasive systems
  • AI for persuasive technology
  • Tailored, personalised and proactive persuasion
  • Gamification for persuasion
  • Evaluation and validation of persuasive applications
  • Software architectures and technical infrastructures for persuasive systems
  • Smart environments, e.g. IoT, and persuasion
  • Digital Marketing, eCommerce, eTourism and SMART ecosystems
  • Cognition, attention and persuasive technology
  • Application domains for persuasive technologies such as safety, healthy living, sustainable behaviors, learning and training, marketing and commerce, work environments, organisations
  • Positive technology
  • Humanising and/or de-humanising effects of persuasive technology
  • Values and ethics in persuasive technology
  • Privacy, perceived security and trust in persuasive technology
  • Resilience and counter-persuasion
  • Detecting persuasive strategies in social media posts
  • Encourageing adherence to safety measures in pandemic situations


Special Session 1: Socially Interactive Agents

Description: Socially Interactive Agents (SIAs) are virtually or physically embodied agents that are capable of autonomously communicating with people and each other in a socially intelligent manner using multi-modal behaviours. SIAs are envisioned to unobtrusively support humans in their daily lives. In order to interact with humans in a socially intelligent manner, the social context, that the interaction is embedded in, needs to be understood by the agent. This special track welcomes submissions that target SIAs in Persuasive Technology applications, to persuade users towards attitude or behaviour change in domains such as health-related applications, aging support, or to foster well-being.

Special Session 2: Sensor-based Persuasive Technology

IoT sensors are very versatile and collect a wealth of information-rich data. This data can be mined to provide significant insight and information about people’s behavior and aid both tailoring and testing influence techniques. A wide range of application areas can benefit from these advances, including those in healthcare, elderly living, safety and sustainability, etc. This track aims to solicit novel contributions that directly relate to the design of novel persuasive technology infrastructure and solutions that utilize sensors and intelligent algorithms for detecting behavior, tailoring persuasive techniques and testing their impact.


This format is suitable for original research, which is completed work at the time of submission and, regardless of the length of the paper, is a self-sufficient scientific contribution. Papers can be full papers (12 pages, excluding references) or short papers (6 pages, excluding references) in Springer LNCS format, and describe work not presented, published or simultaneously submitted elsewhere. Accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings and be devoted a timeslot for oral presentation.
Submitted papers must be classified by the authors as either technical, empirical, conceptual-theoretical or others for its main contribution, and will be reviewed in the light of this.

This format is suitable for descriptions of smaller studies, project outlines, or work-in-progress.
Authors should submit a 2-page abstract in Springer LNCS format. Accepted posters will be included in the adjunct conference proceedings (CEUR Workshop Proceedings). Posters will be displayed and presented during a dedicated session of the conference.

The Doctoral Consortium is a special session of the conference where PhD students can receive advice in a constructive atmosphere. Students present and discuss their research with other PhD students and a panel of established researchers in the area of persuasive technology. Students interested in participating in the Doctoral Consortium should submit a 4-page abstract in Springer LNCS format describing their research question, its position with respect to state of the art, their research plans and methodology, ideas, and results achieved so far. Accepted abstracts will be included in the adjunct conference proceedings (CEUR Workshop Proceedings) unless opted out by the student).

Workshops are meant to gather a number of people to work interactively on an emerging topic and exchange ideas. Tutorials are intended to help people attending the conference organise a related scientific meeting on a specific topic or instruct on a specific practice. Approved workshops and tutorials will be announced on the conference website. Tutorials and workshops will take place during a half- or full-day session before the conference. If you want to organise a workshop, please submit a proposal as a maximum 4-page description in Springer LNCS format, including a description of the topic, motivation, organisation, expected outcome, and supporting materials. Workshop and tutorial descriptions will be included in the adjunct conference proceedings (CEUR Workshop Proceedings). Workshop chairs must commit to create their Call for Paper and their website and EasyChair accounts within one week from the notification.


  • Please consult Springer’s authors’ guidelines when preparing your paper.
  • Make sure to use the Springer LNCS proceedings template, either for LaTeX or for Word, when preparing your paper.
  • Remember the page limit for each type of submission
  • Remember that your paper must be anonymised as we implement a double-blind review process. That means removing author names, emails and affiliations and avoiding any explicit reference to the authors’ identity in the paper.

We look forward to receiving your submission!

Please use this link for your submission


Accepted regular and special track papers (full and short) will be published by Springer in a volume of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series ( Workshop and demo descriptions, abstracts from posters, and doctoral consortium abstracts will be published as an adjunct proceedings volume with an ISBN (CEUR Workshop Proceedings).


Regular papers submissions:
Abstract Submission deadline: November 25, 2021
Paper Submission deadline: November 30, 2021 [Strict]
Decision notification: January 11, 2022
Final versions due: January 20, 2022

Workshop and tutorial proposals:
Submission deadline: December 01, 2021
Notification deadline: December 17, 2021

Poster, technical demonstration and doctoral consortium submission:
Submission deadline: February 02, 2022
Decision notification: February 20, 2022
Camera-ready: February 28, 2022


General Chair

  • Raian Ali, Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Qatar

Program Chairs

  • Nilufar Baghaei, Massey University, New Zealand
  • Julita Vassileva, University of Saskatchewan, Canada

Workshop and Tutorial Chair

  • Dena Al Thani , Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Qatar
  • Sandra Gram-Hansen, Aalborg University, Denmark

Doctoral Consortium Chairs

  • Jaap Ham, the Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands
  • Alexander Meschtscherjakov, University of Salzburg, Austria
  • Lisette Van Gemert-Pijnen- University of Twente, the Netherlands

Poster Track chairs

  • Rita Orji, Dalhousie University, Canada
  • Khin Than Win – University of Wollongong, Australia

Special Tracks:

Sensor-based Persuasion

  • Marwa Qaraqe, Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Qatar
  • Qammer H. Abbasi, University of Glasgow, UK

Socially Interactive Agents

  • Birgit Lugrin, University of Würzburg, Germany
  • Astrid Rosenthal-von der Pütten, RWTH Aachen, Germany

Proceedings Chairs:

  • Kiemute Oyibo, University of Waterloo, Canada
  • Sameha Al-Shakhsi, Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Qatar

Publicity Chairs

  • Ifeoma Adaji, University of Saskatchewan, Canada
  • Khansa Chemnad, Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Qatar
  • Md Rafiqul Islam, University of Technology Sydney, Australia


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