Call: The Sixth Image Schema Day Workshop

Call for papers and participation!

The Sixth Image Schema Day
Workshop on the 20-21 of January, 2022
On-site at Jönköping University, Sweden

Submission deadline: December 10, 2021

After two years of hibernation, we are happy to announce that the Image Schema Day (ISD6) is returning in its sixth reincarnation: at a new venue, with new research, but with the same purpose.

In broad terms, image schemas are spatiotemporal relationships between objects and agents that are learned in early infancy such as containment, support and linkage. These relationships are hypothesised to construct the information skeleton found in object affordances, linguistic and artistic metaphors, the conceptualisation of event segmentation and analogical reasoning. Traditionally studied in cognitive linguistics, these abstract patterns gained increased interest to solve some of the semantic grounding issues in AI and cognitive robotics, but are also a familiar sight in interaction design, art and literary analysis, developmental psychology, and gesture interpretation, to name but a few.

To offer a platform to discuss this topic across the disciplines, the workshop The Image Schema Day was born in 2015, and so far, it gathered researchers on five different occasions. The workshop is primarily a networking event that invites researchers on image schemas and related notions from a broad range of scientific disciplines to present their research and discuss ideas for future projects. Unlike many other workshops focused on different topics in one discipline or using one methodology, the ISD6 invites researchers from all disciplines and methodologies but focuses on one topic.

For the first time organised outside of Italy, the event will be held fully on-site in the beautiful 1850’s villa Mariedal that, since its renovation, features as Jönköping University’s representation venue. Jönköping is a mid-sized town beautifully located between several lakes, tucked in the deep Swedish forests and hilly-mountains. If we are lucky, January might treat us to some white snow as well!

The workshop accepts three forms of submissions with deadline December 10 (more information can be found on the website):

  • Abstracts for presentation (2 pages) – (NOTE: not included in the proceedings.)
  • Extended abstracts (5 pages) of either preliminary work and ideas or summaries of previously published articles.
  • Research papers (5-10 pages) discussing novel research not published (or under review) at another venue.

Topics of interests with (the broadest of interpretation of) an image-schematic focus include, but are not limited to:

  • conceptual metaphors
  • affordances
  • spatiotemporal reasoning
  • force dynamics
  • conceptual modelling
  • embodied and spatial cognition
  • general artificial intelligence
  • commonsense reasoning
  • analogical reasoning
  • cognitive robotics
  • interface design
  • art and literature analysis

All submissions will be peer-reviewed by a highly diverse PC and accepted contributions will be included in the ISD6 proceedings (either as a standalone volume or as part of the Joint Ontology Workshops JOWO – held later in 2022). Submitted abstracts will have a chance to turn their contributions into full research papers after the workshop. Papers that are accepted after a second round of reviewing will be included in the proceeding.

Please share this invitation with colleagues and students that you think might be interested and consider joining us this January!

We are very much looking forward to seeing you in Jönkoping in January!

ISD6 organisers,
Maria M. Hedblom and Oliver Kutz


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