Call: IET 2022: Intercultural Ethics and Technology Conference

Call for Abstracts

IET 2022: Intercultural Ethics and Technology Conference
January 27-28, 2022

Submission deadline: September 22, 2021

Dear all,

On January 27 and 28, 2022, there will be an international online conference on Intercultural Ethics, with a specific focus on the ethics of technology and intercultural philosophy. Our aim is to bring together the ethical approaches and frameworks from various cultural backgrounds and traditions, in order to organize an intercultural ethical dialogue, especially on (but not limited to) technology and its social and cultural implications.

The conference will be organized by the Ethics of Socially Disruptive Technologies research program: a 10-year program in which 5 universities collaborate to investigate how new and emerging technologies challenge our ethical frameworks and approaches (for more information: see It will be hosted from the University of Twente, the Netherlands. The conference intends to bring together scholars in intercultural philosophy, intercultural ethics, and the ethics and philosophy of technology. In a two-day event we will explore the value and challenges of an intercultural ethical approach to the profound implications of technology for human beings and societies.

Confirmed keynote speaker: Beatrice Okyere-Manu (more keynote speakers will be announced soon!)

We welcome abstract submissions for individual papers and panels:

  • Paper abstracts: 250 words, up to three keywords, and a 250-word bio of the presenter
  • Panel proposals: up to 4 abstracts of 250 words and 3 keywords each; a general panel description (200 words); and a 250-word bio of the presenter.
  • Workshops (sessions with an active role for all participants): description of 500 words.


  • September 22, 2021: Deadline for submission of abstracts
  • October 12, 2021: Notification of acceptance


  • Bachelor/Master/PhD students: €25
  • General: €75
  • People from low and middle-income countries: €25

For further questions you can contact Michelle de Boer, project manager Society & Technology via

We really hope you will join, and we are looking forward to your submissions!

Best regards, on behalf of the organizing committee,

Peter-Paul Verbeek (conference chair)
Michelle de Boer (conference manager)


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