Call for Papers
17th Annual ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI 2022)
March 7-10, 2022
Sapporo, Japan and online [see “CONFERENCE CHANGES DUE TO COVID-19” below]
Full paper submission deadline: October 1, 2021
The ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction is a premier, highly-selective venue presenting the latest advances in Human-Robot Interaction. The 17th Annual HRI conference theme is “Breaking Boundaries.” The conference seeks contributions from a broad set of perspectives, including technical, design, behavioural, theoretical, methodological, and metrological, that advance fundamental and applied knowledge and methods in human-robot interaction. Full papers will be archived in the ACM Digital Library and IEEE Xplore.
Full papers are variable length papers that should reflect the extent of the contribution but maximum length is eight pages including figures, but excluding references. Submissions longer than eight pages of content excluding references will be desk rejected and not reviewed. Accepted full papers will be published in the conference proceedings and presented in an oral session. The HRI conference is highly selective with a rigorous, two-stage review model that includes an expert program committee meeting where papers are extensively discussed. As such, all submissions are expected to be mature, polished, and detailed accounts of cutting-edge research described and presented in camera-ready style. In cases of equally qualified papers, positive consideration will be given to submissions that address this year’s theme, “Breaking Boundaries.”
October 1, 2021 (11:59pm AoE): Submission Deadline
November 5, 2021: Review Notification, Rebuttal Period Begins
November 12, 2021: Rebuttal Period Ends
November 23, 2021: Decision Notification
January 5, 2022: Camera-ready Papers Due
March 7-10, 2022: Conference
It was unfortunate for the community that the HRI conference could not have any in-person activities in 2020 and 2021. We understand it may be difficult to have them in early 2022, but we are hoping to have some level of in-person activity for the first time in two years.
However, there is another aspect of gathering in one place from all over the world: the carbon emission and climate impact of traveling by plane. Accordingly, some researchers may not want to travel even if health restrictions allow. We will try to have not only some level of in-person activity but also support remote attendance. We will try to use a hybrid conference platform for the main sessions, making remote presentations and discussions available. We cannot promise it for now, but we also are hoping to use a telepresence robot for conference participation because we are the HRI community!
As an organizing committee, the hybrid format takes a lot of effort compared to a fully virtual conference. We will discuss and constantly re-shape the 2022 conference and decide on the conference format considering the effort, resources, budget, and the status of COVID-19. The conference format will be finalized by the end of November 2021.
Authors are encouraged to consult the extended guide regarding submissions to HRI provided at:
To facilitate quality interdisciplinary reviewing, and to inform reviewer selection, authors will be required to select one main theme and one optional second theme for their full paper submissions. The HRI 2022 conference has five themes: User Studies, Technical Advances, Design, Theory and Methods, and Systems (new track!). Papers may have overlap between themes, but authors are encouraged to consider the main contribution of the work using this brief rule of thumb:
- Human-Robot Interaction User Studies: The primary contribution is human-focused, e.g., how humans perceive, interact with, or otherwise engage with robots.
- Technical Advances in Human-Robot Interaction: The primary contribution is robot-focused, e.g., systems, algorithms, or computational methods supporting HRI.
- Human-Robot Interaction Design: The primary contribution is design-focused, e.g., new morphologies, behavior paradigms, or interaction capabilities for robots.
- Theory and Methods in Human-Robot Interaction: The primary contribution is methodological, e.g., new ways of studying HRI, elucidating or connecting fundamental HRI principles beyond individual interfaces or projects, new theoretical concepts in HRI, literature reviews, work that reproduces, replicates, or re-creates prior HRI work (or fails to), provides new HRI artifacts (e.g., datasets, software), etc.
- Systems: This is a new theme for this year. The primary contribution is investigating or describing how underlying techniques come together to achieve system-level HRI behavior. This can include achieving novel functionality from known techniques, known functionality from novel techniques, or another permutation of techniques and functionality. We are putting such papers into their own theme this year because, in our experience, such work is often disregarded as not a sufficient contribution. We are taking inspiration from UIST’s new handling of systems contributions (a discussion can be found here:
Authors are encouraged to review the extended call for papers on the conference website for more information regarding the themes, submission guidelines, accessibility instructions, etc.:
Laura M. Hiatt (Naval Research Laboratory, United States)
Masahiro Shiomi (ATR, Japan)
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