Call: CUI@AutoUI 2021 virtual workshop

Call for Expressions of Interest and Participation

CUI@AutoUI 2021: A virtual workshop to connect the Automotive User Interfaces (Auto-UI) and Conversational User Interfaces (CUI) communities
September 9-10, 2021

We are hosting a virtual workshop, CUI@AutoUI 2021, aims to connect the Automotive User Interfaces (Auto-UI) and Conversational User Interfaces (CUI) communities through discussion of their shared view of the future of automotive conversational user interfaces. The workshop is open to anyone interested in conversational or automotive user interfaces, with no expectations about your expertise in either topic. We are currently requesting expressions of interest! Submission details can be found below and on our website:


Workshop dates:
September 9th, 11:20 AM UTC, and September 10th, 12:10 PM UTC, 2021

Registration and Expressions of Interest:
AutoUI registration dates coming soon!


The workshop aims to encourage creative consideration of optimistic and pessimistic futures, encouraging attendees to explore the opportunities and barriers that lie ahead through an imaginative game. Considerations of the future will be mapped out in greater detail through the drafting of research agendas, by which attendees will get to know each other’s expertise and networks of resources. The two day workshop, consisting of two 90-minute sessions, will facilitate greater communication and collaboration between these communities, connecting researchers to work together to influence the futures they imagine in the workshop.


Some of the topics we may cover include, but are not limited to:

  • The costs and benefits of multitasking in the car.
  • Pros and cons of integrating CUIs into our vehicles.
  • Technical challenges and horizons in CUI and Automotive UI design.
  • Ethical issues and solutions surrounding the AI in CUIs and Automotive UIs.
  • The upsides and downsides of children interacting with Automotive CUIs.
  • Legal frameworks to support or suppress the use of Automotive CUIs.
  • Doors of accessibility opened or closed by Automotive CUIs.
  • Automotive CUIs for multiparty collaboration or multiparty frustration.


We invite researchers from academia and industry practitioners to express their interest in our workshop by submitting three positive views of the future and three negative views of the future of Automotive CUIs. To fit the theme of our game, these views can be single sentences, expressed in the form “Fortunately, …” or “Unfortunately …”

We also invite the submission of one-paragraph biographies to get to know our participants and arrange groups to have diverse sets of interests.

Submissions of views of the future and of one paragraph biographies should be made by email to Justin Edwards any time before the beginning of the conference.


Justin Edwards (University College Dublin)
Philipp Wintersberger (Technische Universität Wien)
Leigh Clark (Swansea University)
Daniel Rough (University of Dundee)
Philip Doyle (University College Dublin)
Victoria Banks (University of Southampton)
Adam Wyner (Swansea University)
Christian P. Janssen (Utrecht University)
Benjamin R. Cowan (University College Dublin)

More information is on the workshop website:


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