[In this story from Forbes, a retail industry expert argues that ambitious, and even less ambitious, virtual experiences not available in the home will engage consumers and draw them back to ‘real world’ retail venues after the pandemic. For more details see an interview with the CEO of Sandbox VR in VentureBeat. –Matthew]
[Image: A boy reacts while wearing virtual reality (VR) glasses in a roller coaster simulator. Credit: Photo by Kevin Frayer/Getty Images)]
Want To Bring People Back To The Real World? Provide A Virtual One
By Greg Maloney (“I write on the confluence of shopping centers, ecommerce & consumers”)
August 2, 2021
As the US has reopened, people have been re-engaging with physical retail – but keeping that momentum going is top of mind for shopping center and mall owners. In a post-pandemic era (whenever that becomes a full reality) people are going to be more focused on experiences than ever before after long periods of time with very little to do outside their homes. This isn’t new, but COVID by-in-large has been an accelerator of trends as opposed to a creator of new ones – and that may be nowhere more apparent than in the trend towards people gravitating towards an experience. We’ve discussed how Augmented Reality (AR) has the ability to engage shoppers within spaces as an additive layer to experience. AR is easier to merge into the real world than Virtual Reality (VR) – but what if people want to escape reality? Virtual Reality may not yet be easily integrated into actual shopping, but VR experiences might just be a powerful enough draw to get people off their couches and into a shopping center.
Tech executives are dreaming of a world where Peloton-type exercise subscription formats are transformed into virtual reality fitness experiences. Bucknell University in Pennsylvania is recreating the higher education campus visit through customized virtual reality that allow prospective students the opportunity to stand mid-court at a basketball game or take a stroll through the library. Volkswagon is running an interactive, in-car ad experience campaign on Pinterest that allows users to look around the car as if it were driving.
Immersive experiences are coming to every industry—if they haven’t already. Capitalizing on augmented and virtual reality will become routine for brands looking to guide potential customers through product discovery with convenience at the core.
Now these experiences have caught the attention of landlords, too, with more consumers heading to the mall in search of virtual thrills. As more malls look to what’s next in this new era of consumerism, virtual reality is bringing some major XP to malls on the rebound. (That’s gaming vernacular for experience points.)
And while this isn’t necessarily a new tactic for shopping centers, emerging virtual reality companies are learning from past VR pitfalls and adapting to changing consumer preferences. You might remember The Void in particular. It was reported that the jewel in the crown of virtual reality arcades defaulted on a key loan back in November 2020, leading to the loss of their partnership with Disney, who provided some of its most popular VR experiences through the likes of Star Wars and The Avengers. But its attendance troubles were already growing when Disney began bringing bigger Star Wars games to home VR headsets, whose price of entry has become less expensive each year.
Price of entry for VR experiences is only going to become more accessible as technology rapidly innovates. The key for retailers will be creating experiences that can’t be replicated at home.
Immersive-experience energy
Electric Gamebox, for starters, is hard at work breathing fresh air into physical retail. The UK-based operation has raised $11 million to revive retail locations with immersive gaming pods. The immersive, digital adventure is reinventing how video games are played using projection mapping, touch screens, 3D motion tracking and surround sound without headsets. According to Electric Gamebox, experiences include anything from being chased by aliens, searching for rare Martian materials or saving the queen’s corgis—all in the name of bringing people together in the shared camaraderie of video games.
With the first location recently opening at Grandscape shopping center, just north of Dallas, the company has an impressive goal of over 1,000 locations throughout the U.S. and U.K. by 2026. Brookfield has already announced it will bring the operation into its real estate portfolio over the next year at Oakbrook Center in Chicago; The Woodlands Mall in Houston; Fashion Place in Salt Lake City; Victoria Gardens in San Bernardino, CA; and Ballston Quarter in Arlington, VA.
Sandbox VR is a good indicator of success in this arena. This zombie-shooting, sword-swinging, treasure-chasing experience taking over retail spaces also saw a dire road ahead when COVID-19 hit. The company had to close all its locations due to the pandemic and ended up laying off 80 percent of its staff. But since reopening this spring, their 11 stores across the U.S., Canada and Asia have seen ticket sales and foot traffic rise above pre-pandemic levels, and now, Sandbox VR has signed a lease for the same Las Vegas location that was previously used by The Void, with an opening planned for this summer. They’re now on track to turn a profit next year.
Filling the void
A hyper reality entertainment experience called JUMP from the creator of The Void, is also looking to capitalize on the opportunity to bring more immersive experiences to the mall. The first JUMP location was recently announced to open at American Dream in New Jersey near the end of 2021. The simulated experience includes a customized JUMP wingsuit and a virtual reality helmet. Participants experience a blend of suspension and wind systems that imitates the extreme thrill of cliff jumping, minus the danger.
American Dream boasts an unparalleled mix of more than 3 million square feet of world-class entertainment, retail, and dining, just outside of New York City. After years of development, the New Jersey mall opened its doors in October 2019, not long before the pandemic forced its doors shut, bringing bad news to the curated collection of flagship retail. While physical retail is well on its way to rebound, with The NPD Group reporting recent in-store sales of $1.7 billion higher than last year and $400 million higher than two years ago—American Dream can likely expect its premier retail to recover just fine too. But with time of the essence, American Dream is looking to its entertainment side to ensure its able to make payments on the nearly $3 billion loan that was needed to finance the development.
Can entertainment lead the American Dream recovery? I think it’s very possible. With 55 percent of the space dedicated to entertainment, the waterpark, indoor ski slope, the new JUMP experience, among others, will cater to the consumer call for immersive experiences that can foster the growth of foot traffic at shopping centers.
Gaming accelerates
According to the Gaming Spotlight report, consumers spent $1.7 billion per week on mobile games in Q1, up 40 percent from pre-pandemic levels and mobile game downloads grew 30 percent. And, according to a new IDC and LoopMe report, 75 percent of the pandemic-driven increase in mobile gaming will persist indefinitely.
The need for retailers to get creative to secure their market share is nearing mission-critical. While the majority of tenants won’t be re-creating a cliff jumping thrill, smaller experiences that can happen via mobile phone are a place start.
Take luxury fashion house Balenciaga for example. The brand created an online game called Afterworld: The Age of Tomorrow, to showcase its Fall 21 collection. Created with inclusivity in mind, players were invited to choose a fighter from a range of models, and attempt to conquer the world, whether they aspired to wear the collection or not.
At the end of the day, you can’t shop in a store or sit down at a restaurant without seeing a multitude of heads hunched over devices. We are living to be entertained and winning retailers will figure out how to bring experience to life through the imaginative lens that technology offers.
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