Call: DiGRA 2021: Digital Games Research Association Conference

Call for Papers

DiGRA 2021: Digital Games Research Association Conference
Guadalajara, Mexico
April 25th – 29th 2022

Full papers, abstracts and panels submission deadline: 15 October 2021
Workshop proposals submission deadline: 15 November 2021

DiGRA 2022 will take place in Guadalajara, Mexico from April 25th – 29th 2022. A pre-conference will be held one day prior to the official beginning of the conference.

The theme of the upcoming DiGRA 2022 is “Bringing Worlds Together”, exploring games as spaces of speculative possibility, ambiguity and liminality.

Game studies have always considered games – especially digital ones – hybrid forms, able to combine various cultural phenomena to create limned spaces of uncertain ontology. The tradition to perceive games through interferences, uneasy alliances, disturbing dissonances or outright conflicts is rich. Diverse worlds, literally and metaphorically, collide at play: technological infrastructures, cultural practices, political, ethical, aesthetic and ontological dimensions. These can manifest in a variety of research focus points, including: the way physical body of the player is merged with the electronic components of the machine and the digital space; the collision of the fictive narrative and real ruleset, governing the way fiction can unfold; the tension between global production regimes and vernacular resistance practices; or the circulation of camaraderie and oppression in player communities. But above all, games are always embedded within broader existing value systems. They can reflect those or challenge their status quo, paving new ways of becoming in the world.

The past months of the worldwide pandemic have also shown the capacity of games and play to literally bring remote worlds together, whether as practices of intimate socialization otherwise hindered by lock-downs and physical isolation, spaces of political resistance or products of increased consumption able to distract from long hours of boredom.

We would like to encourage scholarly reflection on all those diverse ways in which games bring different worlds together.


  • Speculative approaches to games
  • Entanglements between gaming and sociopolitical issues
  • Global and local aspects of play
  • The realistic and the fantastic as aesthetic principles and design guidelines
  • The centre-periphery dynamics (e.g. “real games” and “not games”, games and hegemonial powers, games as globalized products, games as means of artistic expression)
  • The game and the story
  • Verisimilitude and realism
  • Reality capture and customization
  • Games and money (e.g. monetization and blockchain)
  • Realities at play (e.g. augmented reality, virtual reality, alternate reality, LARPs)
  • Questions of inclusion and representation
  • Questions of sustainability and responsibility

With the theme of “Bringing Worlds Together”, DiGRA 2022 makes space for an interdisciplinary critical debate around related questions, inviting a diversity of voices. As mainstream phenomena around games and play grow, so do approaches and tactics at the margin of games culture. This creates potentials for interdisciplinary exchange, methodical variety, and multifaceted critique. DiGRA 2022 welcomes contributions on different game formats, expressions, and phenomena both related to digital and non-digital games.

There will be several special events associated with the conference, including PhD Consortium. It will be organized on the pre-conference conference day, this event will allow PhD students to discuss key issues and seek feedback from experienced scholars. It will provide opportunities for further development of research skills that will be of help to emerging scholars in achieving their academic goals. More thematic workshops can be proposed to the organisers (see submission guidelines below).

The local organisers intend to have some form of remote participation for those unable to travel (more details to be announced).


Submission opens: August 1st 2021
Full papers, abstracts and panels submission deadline: 15 October 2021
Workshop proposals submission deadline: 15 November 2021
Announcement of review results and workshop acceptance: 15 December 2021
Workshop submissions deadline: 15 January 2022
Workshop submissions results: 15 February 2022
Early bird registration & program deadlines: 15 March 2022
Camera-ready papers & abstracts deadline: 30 March 2022
Conference dates: 25 – 29 April 2022


The submissions are invited into seven tracks:

  1. Philosophy and Theory of Play & Games: theoretical frameworks and investigations of games and play phenomena as well as meta-reflection on game studies methods and practices.
  2. Game Analyses, Criticism and Interpretation: analyses, close-readings, and critical discussions of game texts.
  3. Game History and Cultural Context: explorations of game histories, contemporary game cultures and regional game studies.
  4. Play and Players: empirical research on play and playful behavior, players, fandom, and game communities.
  5. Game Design, Production and Distribution: reflections on making and research creation, processes of production and design, and the games market.
  6. Serious Games and Education: research on games and play for learning, education, and therapy, and other applications beyond game studies.
  7. DiGRA 2020 Accepted Submissions: extended abstracts and full papers scheduled to be presented during DiGRA 2020, the conference cancelled due to COVID-19 global outbreak. All submissions in this track will be accepted without additional reviews, provided they were already accepted in 2020, and the corresponding author paid DiGRA 2020 membership fee.

We welcome a range of contributions to DiGRA 2022: full papers, extended abstracts, panel and doctoral consortium participation, and workshop proposals.

Full papers and extended abstracts will be peer-reviewed, published on the conference website and published in the conference proceedings available via open-access through the DiGRA Digital Library.

Panel proposals will be peer-reviewed and published on the conference website, but will not be included in the conference proceedings published through the DiGRA Digital Library. Workshop proposals will be selected by the conference organizers based on non-anonymous submissions.

All submissions except workshops should be made via EasyChair.
Workshop proposals should be sent directly to the conference email:

Authors are asked to direct questions to the program chairs:
Sonia Fizek
Marcelo Simão de Vasconcellos
Tomasz Z. Majkowski


Full papers are expected to be 5000 – 7000 words plus references, submitted as an anonymized pdf on DiGRA Submission Template. Submissions must be original, which means that they have not been published or are under peer review elsewhere.

Full papers are peer-reviewed publications of original game studies research, presenting mature, complete research. Authors must present accepted full papers at the DiGRA conference. Accepted manuscripts will appear in the Proceedings of the 2019 DiGRA International Conference, which is published in the open access DiGRA Digital Library.


The suggested length for an extended abstract is 500-800 words, with a maximum of 1000 words, excluding references (only key references should be included), submitted as an anonymized pdf using the DiGRA Submission Template. Give a short description in the abstract field of the conference management system, but there is no need for extended abstracts to contain an abstract.

The purpose of an extended abstract is to demonstrate a contribution interesting to DiGRA audiences. An extended abstract might describe a study or research program that is underway, but might also describe a pending program of research. It might outline findings, or it might establish and discuss a research question. It might describe the study’s method or methodology, or it might focus on outcomes and results. It might describe work that is planned, work that is in progress, or work that has been completed.

Accepted extended abstracts will appear in open access DiGRA Digital Library.


Selection for the PhD consortium will be based on an extended abstract based on an ongoing PhD research project, with a maximum of 1000 words, excluding references (see Extended Abstract guidelines, above). They should be submitted to PhD Consortium track, as NON-anonymized pdf, with a short description in the abstract field of the conference management system (there is no need for a doctoral consortium application to have an abstract).
Submissions must use the DiGRA 2022 submission template.


A panel session will typically occupy a single conference session and have a duration of 80 to 90 minutes. Panel proposals should have a maximum length of 1000 words, excluding references, plus a 100 word biography of each participant. They should include: the focus or topic of the panel; a description of why the topic will be of interest or relevant to DiGRA attendees; a list of confirmed participants and a description of their background and expertise. Panel proposals will be peer-reviewed.

Panels should be submitted as pdfs on DiGRA Submission Template (optional).


The conference workshops are three to six hours long sessions focused on a particular game-related topic. Workshops provide an opportunity for new ideas, theories and trends to be presented and discussed. Workshops can also be practical tutorials.

Concise workshop proposals of no more than 1000 words (excluding bibliography) should include major objectives and expected outcomes of the workshop, the justification for the workshop informed by current trends and research, the format and activities planned for the workshop, the organizers’ background, the anticipated number of participants and the way they will be selected.

Please note that the submission should not be anonymous as the organizers’ background is very important in the decision-making process for workshops.

Submit workshop proposals directly by email to by 15 November 2021.


All Full papers and Extended Abstracts accepted to be presented during DiGRA 2020, are eligible for re-submission in track 7: Accepted for DiGRA 2020 Tampere (regardless of the original track for 2020). As they were already peer-reviewed, submit non-anonymized, camera-ready pdf using DiGRA Submission Template. Mark the original track they were accepted for in the submission form.

All submissions in this track will be checked regarding their eligibility (2020 review result, and the status of DiGRA membership fee for 2020) and moved directly to the DiGRA 2022 program, without additional reviews and other considerations.

Remember, all submissions in track 1-6 will be peer-reviewed regardless of their 2020 status. If you wish to undergo the review process once more, you are welcome to submit an anonymized version to one of those tracks.


Authors cannot submit more than two papers and/or extended abstracts at DiGRA 2020, including PhD Consortium submissions. An individual can be co-authors on as many full papers and extended abstracts as they like, but cannot submit more than two as main author/presenter. If the limit is exceeded, only the two first submissions will be reviewed.

The limit does not include participation in panels or workshops. The limit DO include submissions, from DiGRA 2020, though.

The local organizing committee in Guadalajara is excited to host the 2021 DiGRA International Conference, the first to be held in Latin America. Together, we will build a meaningful legacy through leadership development, by acquiring and sharing knowledge, fostering positive networking, supporting experience exchange and creating a lasting impact on digital games research.


For more details about the conference, visit the website:


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