[This short story from Wallpaper, and supplementary excerpts from V Magazine that follow, describe a new coffee table book that uses augmented reality integration with vivid images to create a sense of presence as transportation (though that term isn’t used). See the original stories for more images from the book; the authors’ Instagram for more samples of their work; and the publishers’ page for the book to read the “journey”-themed description, see dynamic illustrations of the “experiential” effect and order a copy (for $120). –Matthew]
Go on a dream holiday with this virtual reality book
Kiss & Fly is a new AR book that blends print media with digital technology for a virtual vacation
By Mary Cleary
July 29, 2021
‘Home’ is still the top destination for many holidaymakers this summer. While that may not be the dream holiday location, a new virtual reality book is offering a new way to break up days spent sunbathing in the garden or sipping a Margarita from a paddling pool.
Kiss & Fly offers virtual vacations to nine different locations: France, Brazil, Iceland, Mexico, Italy, Jordan, Greece, India, and Israel. The images are the work of sister photography duo Lauren and Annael Tolila, known professionally as Via Tolila, and they are pure escapism – pictures of sapphire blue water, sunbathers lounging on rocky cliffs, colourful cocktails served up in beach cabanas.
Kiss & Fly claims to be the world’s first augmented reality coffee table book, with glossy images that can be scanned with a smartphone or tablet, directing users to various online experiences.
It is the first title produced by Studio 96, a new publishing house in New York City that aims to make ‘experiential print’ a new norm. That means books with moving images, hyperlinks to interactive forums or social media channels, codes to download playlists curated for your reading experience, and even links to tickets for exclusive in-person and online events.
It is a familiar type of imagery that is not revolutionary in itself, but it’s made compelling by your ability to swipe your phone over it and watch it move – the sunbather goes from lounging to jumping off the cliff, the cocktail is stirred with a straw.
It makes for an entertaining reading experience and, perhaps, even offers a hint at what is to come for print media, with physical publications using digital technology to create a multi-platform reading experience.
[From V Magazine]
Studio 96 Publishing announces the release of the first augmented reality travel book, in collaboration with Via Tolila
By Molly Wilcox
July 27, 2021
Studio 96 might just be augmenting the future of print. As ‘experiential publishers,’ they’ve created the first coffee table book with Augmented Reality integration … [T]he book is inspired and dedicated to wanderlust. Kiss & Fly takes the reader on a journey through nine destinations around the globe. …
Studio 96 uses technology called Live Images, or printed images, that can be scanned with a smartphone or tablet using the S96 app which directs the reader to an online site that elevates the viewing experience. The Toililas documented videos and live images around the world which are printed on the book itself, making the images looking like they’re moving on the page.
In future releases from Studio 96, Live Images will be able to take the reader to not only videos, but also to Spotify playlists curated to work hand in hand with the photographs on the page, or to a live webpage with more content. The Live Images can also send you to purchase tickets for exclusive in-person or online experiences, to community groups, or to exclusive branded Instagram or Snapchat filters. …
Kiss & Fly is the debut book from Via Tolila and the title is a nod to their hometown of Nice, where the departure lounge is titled “Le Kiss & Fly.” You can shop the book at Studio96Publishing.com.
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