Call: “Human Factors Interventions for Surgical Systems” June 17 free virtual symposium

Call for Participation

Human Factors Interventions for Surgical Systems
A Wellcome / EPSRC Centre for Interventional and Surgical Sciences Virtual Symposium
Thursday, 17 June 2021 at 05:00 – 07:30 EDT


Novel technologies have the potential to impact the health field, from augmenting education to greater efficacy in medical procedures. Despite this potential, it is important that they provide a positive user experience both for clinicians and patients. This can be achieved through a user-centred design process where user needs are considered every step of the way.

To gain more understanding around this important process, our symposium explores how to approach healthcare from a human factors perspective. This is covered through engaging talks by world-leading researchers in the field and design activities which demonstrate how these factors can be applied in clinical settings.



10:00-10:10 Introduction and overview of the symposium – Dan Stoyanov

Keynote 1 (Chaired by Matt Clarkson)

10:10-10:35 Prof Mark Billinghurst (UniSA, Australia)

Lessons Learned for Telemedicine from Next Generation Collaboration Research

Recent developments in Augmented (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) enable new types of collaborative experiences, such as having remote people appear a life-sized virtual images in the real workspace. Medicine is one of the most promising areas for this type of remote collaboration due to the need to provide expertise globally. This presentation reviews lessons learned from research in collaborative AR/VR and how they could be applied to telemedicine. For example, how gaze and gesture could be communicated remotely, and use of novel avatar representations. Directions for future research will also be reviewed, such as the use of physiological sensors to provide support for implicit communication, and brain synchronisation.

10:35-10:45 Q&A

HF Workshop

10:45-11:45 Design activities – Aneesha Singh & Enrico Costanzaand

11:45-11:55 FAST project launching – Jeremy Opie

11:55 – 12:00 Break

Keynote 2 (Chaired by Ann Blandford)

12:00-12:25 A/Prof Helena M. Mentis (University of Maryland Baltimore County, US) – Crafting the Image in Surgery

12:25-12:35 Q&A


12:35 – Laurence Lovat


Mark Billinghurst

Mark Billinghurst is Professor at the University of South Australia in Adelaide, Australia, and also at the University of Auckland in New Zealand, directing the Empathic Computing Laboratory. He earned a PhD in 2002 from the University of Washington and researches how virtual and real worlds can be merged, publishing over 550 papers on Augmented Reality, remote collaboration, Empathic Computing, and related topics. In 2013 he was elected as a Fellow of the Royal Society of New Zealand, and in 2019 was given the ISMAR Career Impact Award in recognition for lifetime contribution to AR research and commercialization.

Helena M. Mentis

Helena M. Mentis is an Associate Professor in the Department of Information Systems at the University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC), a faculty member in the Human Centered Computing graduate program, and the director of the Bodies in Motion Lab.

Her research contributes to the areas of human-computer interaction (HCI), computer supported cooperative work (CSCW), and health informatics. She investigates how collaboration and coordination are achieved and better supported, primarily with regards to information sharing and decision making in healthcare contexts. In turn, Helena developed interactive systems to investigate the effects of new mechanisms for collaboratively sensing, presenting, and interacting with information. For the past four years, she has been addressing this problem space in two fundamental streams of research: (1) imaging interaction in surgery and (2) patient empowerment.


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