Call for Papers
Dis/abling Spaces and Cultures in Times of Crisis
Special issue of Space and Culture journal, forthcoming online in 2022
Michael Schillmeier, Editor
Deadline for abstracts: May 31, 2021
With the COVID 19 pandemic we experience the adverse effects, ambiguities, uncertainties, insecurities of a global crisis that links and separates embodied, personal, social and cultural lives. Although the crisis may affect everyone, it is obvious that people who are disabled, marginalized, discriminated, vulnerable, ill, and/or live through precarious situations are at high risk to be become more disabled, more discriminated, more vulnerable or ill, and precarity deepens and spreads. Physical distancing, quarantining, self-isolation, wearing masks and other hygiene practices of protection have impactful and highly diverse and disputed effects on dis/abling spaces and cultures and how they are lived, felt and experienced.
It is the very experience of the ongoing global crisis that draw attention on the situated relations of dis/embodied, spatial and cultural practices that constitute dis/abling experiences that this Special Issue wishes to address and critically engage with. To do so, we invite papers that
- explore how crises-experiences (COVID related or not) have negative effects for disabled people,
- highlight what and how we can learn from the lived experiences of disabled people in dealing with spatio-cultural differences and related specific constraints and requirements in situations of crises.
- draw attention on the opportunities that arise from the reflections of crisis lives and experiences for a Post-Covid life that contribute to inclusive, enabling and non-discriminatory spaces and cultures of everyday practices.
We welcome qualitative and conceptually rich, innovative and experimental research papers that critically engage with the crisis-experiences of dis/abling spaces and cultures.
Deadline for abstracts (max. 500 words) 31.05.2021. Please send to:
If your abstract is accepted for contribution with a full paper, the deadline for full paper (max. 6000 words) is 30.11.2021.
The Special Issue will published online in 2022.
For further information about the CfP and the Special Issue, please contact:
Prof Dr Michael Schillmeier
Department of Sociology, Anthropology and Philosophy
University of Exeter
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