Call: Colleague research request: Survey testing scale on character identification and VR

[This is a lightly edited message from our colleague Shane Burrell requesting help gathering data for his research. If you have a similar request for the presence community, please submit it here. –Matthew]

Call: Colleague research request: Survey testing scale on character identification and VR

My name is Shane Burrell and I presented my paper at the PRESENCE 2020 Conference on my research on en-roling and de-roling [the Proceedings are here].

I am currently conducting another study testing my scale on character identification and VR. I would greatly appreciate any and all assistance with my study. I am using this study to help write my master’s thesis and need to collect as much information as possible.

Here is the link for the survey:

I greatly appreciate your help with this.

Thank you,

Shane L. Burrell Jr.

Graduate Teaching Associate
Department of Communication Studies
California State University, San Bernardino


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