Call: “Designing Interactions for the Ageing Populations” issue of Gerontechnology

Call for Papers:
Special Issue of the Gerontechnology Journal: Designing Interactions for the Ageing Populations
Special issue editors: Sayan Sarcar (University of Tsukuba), Cosmin Munteanu (University of Toronto Mississauga)

We are open to receive submissions. However, papers submitted before mid-March will be considered for the first round of the review process.
First-round notification to authors: Middle of April
Revised and resubmitted version due (for the first round): End of May 2021
Special issue publication timeline: August-September 2021

This special issue advances the study and design of digital software interfaces, particularly mobile, wearable, IoT, or conversational for the aging population. The topic is timely, as we are seeing an increase in essential consumer-level technologies (e.g. online banking, social media, remote healthcare access) that have low uptake among older adults despite their benefits. Even more, emerging tech products that are marketed as helpful for older adults are not always designed with them in mind. Examples include Internet-of-Things products built around artificial intelligence technologies (such as smart speakers) or sensors (smart homes), wearable devices (health and activity trackers), mobile applications that are not accessible or do not match older adults’ mental models of use (e.g. health chatbots). Neglecting the needs of older people is diminishing their ability to access information and participate in society. This special issue welcomes multi-disciplinary contributions to empirical studies, theories, and design of such interfaces for older adults, that more systematically investigate the interplay between the design, adoption, and use of interactive digital technologies (interfaces) and the multitude of ageing-related biological, cognitive, trust, cultural, and social changes.

We invite contributors to submit papers related to the above-described focus, addressing one or more of four threads: empirical (e.g., evaluation), theoretical (e.g. theoretical insights from neuroscience, gerontology, social sciences, sociology of technology, critical theory, etc.), design (e.g., interface design), and programmatic (e.g., future research agenda).

We welcome additional HCI topics related to older adults and interface design. The topics include, but not limited to:

  • Effects of age-related decline in perceptual, cognitive, and motor performance on digital devices use
  • Models of user performance and individual differences
  • User interface design patterns and metaphors
  • Assistive technology devices for older adults
  • Societal implications, including the digital divide and social exclusion
  • Evaluation methodologies
  • Ethical concerns

All contributions will be rigorously peer-reviewed to the usual exacting standards of the Gerontechnology journal. Further information, including submission procedures and advice on formatting and preparing your manuscript, can be found at

Manuscripts are actually submitted via the online manuscript system at In the “Author” console, please select new submission, and then choose the journal section as “Special Issue: Designing Interactions for the Ageing Populations” and click all the checkboxes.

To discuss a possible contribution and more details on how to submit, please contact the special issue editor at

Please also let us know if you have any further questions on concerns

Best Regards,
Special issue editorial team


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