Call for Submissions
StoryBits Conference
An online event from Covilhã, Portugal
April 21-22-23, 2021
Submission deadlines:
Communication for paper: March 07, 2021
Project, Thematic Table and Workshop: March 21, 2021
Digital media have fostered the emergence of multiple narrative formats and modes of representation, that mirror the new processes of mediation and remediation. The StoryBits conference, with a focus on this reality, is a natural continuum to former events, dedicated to the area of digital and interactive expressions of documentary, organized by the University of Beira Interior between 2016 and 2018, but broadens this thematic focus to include other genres, formats and narrative models.
StoryBits thus arises from the need to create a scientific event that promotes discussion around digital media and the diversity of creation and production of narratives that emerge from this context. It aims to promote theoretical and scientific knowledge about these new narratological expressions, including in this reflection the need for project-based research practices, and the sharing of experiences between researchers and professionals in the field. Thus, it intends to be an event exclusively dedicated to digital narratives, crossing from fiction to nonfiction formats, of an interactive or performative nature.
Information about previous events:
2016 – WebDocumentário, O Paradigma da Interatividade e a Tradição do Documentário
2017 – WebDocumentário/2017 + WebDocumentário/2017/ISSA TOUMA
2018 – < Bits.Doc > 2018
The organization of the StoryBits conference invites the submission of communication proposals or project formats, thematic tables and workshops, namely in the area of Media Arts, practice based research, of works completed or in progress. Proposals can be submitted either in Portuguese (PT), English (EN) or Spanish (ES) languages.
All the papers and project submissions will be subject to a blind peer review.
The organizing committee will edit a book, for the LabCom Editions, with a selection of communications and projects presented at the event.
StoryBits invites submissions on the following topics:
- Interactive Fiction (IF)
- Computational narrative
- Interactive Documentary
- Interactive Cinema
- Virtual & Augmented Reality
- Data Narratives / Database Storytelling
- Video Game Narrative
- Project methodologies: collaborative; multidisciplinary; fragmented and remote teams
- Others that can contribute to the thematic of the event
Submission Categories:
A – Communication for paper
B – Project (practice based research/creation)
C – Thematic Table ( ≥3 researchers/creators)
D – Workshop
Submission dates:
Communication for paper: March 07, 2021
Project, Thematic Table and Workshop: March 21, 2021
The conference will be held online and will be free for participants, although registration will be mandatory for all. Requests to attend should be sent to, with the indication of name and affiliation.
Enrollment in the Research Workshops and special sessions is subject to specific application and requisites.
The 1st edition of StoryBits is an organization of LabCom, with the support of FAL– Arts and Letters Faculty, Arts Department and the PhD program on Media Arts + Practice
Keynote Speakers:
Nelson Zagalo, Associate Professor, University of Aveiro (UA). Scientific Coordinator of Digimedia Research Centre. Author of the book “Engagement Design: Designing for Interaction Motivations” (2020).
André Paz, Professor at the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO) where he teaches in the Professional Masters of the Graduate Program in Creative Media (PPGMC). Bug404 coordinator ( and organizer, with Sandra Gaudenzi, of the book “Bug: Interactive and Immersive Narratives” (2019).
Judith Aston Associate Professor at University of the West of England – UWE Bristol on Interactive & Immersive Media. Researcher at the Digital Cultures Research Centre. Founding-Director of i-Docs. Co-editor, with Sandra Gaudenzi and Mandy Rose of the book “i-Docs: The Evolving Practices of Interactive Documentary” (2017).
Research Workshops:
Kevin B. Lee: “Life on Screen: Desktop Documentary and Digital Presence”
Judith Aston: “i-Docs and Practice-led Research”
Performance Session (To be confirmed):
Zia Anger: “MY FIRST FILM, interactive live cinema performance”
Luís Frias
Francisco Merino
Manuela Penafria
Arnau Gifreu (Universitat de Girona, ERAM, Espanha)
Bruno Mendes da Silva (Universidade do Algarve, CIAC, Portugal)
Francisco Merino (Universidade da Beira Interior, LabCom, Portugal)
Guilhermina Castro (Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Escola das Artes, CITAR, Portugal)
Jorge Palinhos (Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa, CEAA-ESAP, Portugal)
Manuela Penafria (Universidade da Beira Interior, LabCom, Portugal)
Marta Pinho Alves (Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal, CIEF-IPS, Portugal)
Nelson Zagalo (Universidade de Aveiro, DigiMedia, Portugal)
Patrícia Gouveia (Universidade de Lisboa, ITI/LarSys, Portugal)
Patrícia Nogueira (Instituto Universitário da Maia, ISMAI / iNOVA Media Lab – ICNOVA, Portugal)
Paulo Nuno Vicente (Universidade Nova de Lisboa, iNOVA Media Lab – ICNOVA, Portugal)
Rafael Linares Palomar (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, INTERMEDIAE, Espanha)
Valentina Nisi (Universidade de Lisboa, ITI/LarSys, Portugal)
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