Call for Papers
Building Bridges and Not Walls: Expanding Human-Machine Communication Connections Within HRI
A Virtual Workshop at the 2021 International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI 2021)
March 12, 2021 (Afternoon Session)
Submission deadline: February 1, 2021
Sitting at the nexus between HRI and communication studies/science, human-machine communication (HMC) scholarship seeks to blend these perspectives by “building bridges and not walls” (a reference to one of the first communication textbooks that sought to bring similar frameworks together in the 1970s. HMC researchers, often located in media and communication sciences departments, are examining processes of message production and reception, instructional communication, automated journalism, group dynamics, and the social and cultural construction of meanings. This half-day workshop will explore HMC and communication studies/science theories as used in HRI studies. This workshop will pay particular attention to overlapping constructs between the fields, paradigms, study designs, and approaches between these fields. In short, there are conversations occurring between these fields. However, more dialogue is needed for this work to reach maturity. This workshop provides an interdisciplinary space and perspective where this type of intellectual labor can occur.
This half-day workshop will feature invited talks from a submission process and a ”birds of a feather” group session. Participants will be invited to submit brief papers and then present to the group for an allotted time amount. In the ”birds of a feather” session, workshop participants will discuss areas of overlap and develop collaborations. This session will be led by several of the co-organizers. At the end of the workshop, participants will discuss next steps.
We invite potential participants to submit a paper for the workshop focusing on one of the listed aims (no longer than four pages using the IEEE/HRI template). Submissions can range from theory position arguments to studies that demonstrate the use of communication in the HRI context. Papers that explore the similarities of constructs in both fields are particularly encouraged. Participants with selected papers will be asked to present their work to the workshop with an 8-minute talk. SEND PAPERS TO
Chad Edwards, Western Michigan University
Autumn Edwards, Western Michigan University
Patric R. Spence, University of Central Florida
Astrid Rosenthal-von der Pütten, RWTH Aachen University
David Westerman, North Dakota University
Andrea Guzman, Northern Illinois University
Carmina Rodriguez-Hidalgo, UAI Adolfo Ibáñez
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