Call for Papers
The 2nd International Conference on
Educational Innovation and Philosophical Inquiries (ICEIPI 2021)
Stanford, California, US [see note below]
August 8, 2021
First round submission deadline: December 1, 2020
NOTE: Possible Actions on COVID-19: This conference is planned to be held in Stanford University, California. Presently, under the influence of COVID-19, there have been restrictions on travel and gatherings to avoid the spread of the virus. The world is making every effort to fight against the pandemic and we hope it can soon reach its conclusion. However, if the current situation continues as the set date of ICEIPI 2021 is approaching, we are afraid that this conference will have to be moved online in consideration for the health and safety of our participants. We will make timely updates to every change of the format and schedule of the conference. Please stay tuned with our official website. Wish to see you in Stanford!
Educational innovation has become an important issue on a global scale. The evolution of society and technology has provided new ways to improve future teaching achievements. It also allows us to seek different solutions to the problems that were difficult to solve in the past. On the other hand, our conference aims at unveiling and inspecting the philosophical inquiries usually hidden among the lines of logical debate. We hope that inter-disciplinary studies with a social scientific focus can all be traced back to the very source of their philosophical pursuits and eventually contribute to the creation of knowledge.
We welcome paper submissions from different areas: Education, Psychology, or Sociology, etc. This conference welcomes innovative scholars to participate in order to boost scientific information exchange among researchers, students and industry experts around the world. We are excited to witness the communications of outstanding and diverse researchers of education innovation, social sciences and humanities during this conference.
All papers of ICEIPI 2021 will be published in the volume of Advances in Educational Technology and Psychology (Online ISSN: 2371-9400), which will be submitted to CPCI (Web of Science), CNKI, and Google Scholar for indexing. Proceeding list can be found here.
All submitted articles should report original, unpublished work, experimental or theoretical. The discussion topics and submission topics of the 2020 International Conference on Educational Innovation and Philosophical Inquiries (ICEIPI 2020) include but not limit to the following:
Teaching & Learning
- Learning Experiences, Student Learning & Learner Diversity
- Teaching Experiences, Pedagogy, Practice & Praxis
- Assessment Theories & Methodologies
- Curriculum Design & Development
- Education & Difference: Gifted Education, Special Education, Learning Difficulties
Community, Society & Culture
- Communication and Media Research
- Linguistics, Semiotics
- History and Memory
- International politics, public relations, political economy, international development
- Sustainability & Society: Social Justice, Development & Political Movements
- Law, Arbitration, Regulation, Dispute Resolution, Intellectual Property
Psychology, Mind & Brain
- Mind, Brain & Psychology
- Human Emotional & Cognitive Development
- Counselling, Guidance & Adjustment
Educational Structures
- Educational Policy, Leadership, Management & Administration
- Educational Research, Development & Publishing
- Professional Training, Development & Concerns in Education
- Primary, Secondary & Higher Education
Innovation & Technology
- Design, Implementation & Assessment of Innovative Technologies
- Nurturing Creativity & Innovation
- Knowledge Creation, Preservation & Access: Curation, Librarianship, Information & Archival Science
Paper Guideline:
All submitted papers should report original and unpublished work, experimental or theoretical, and are not under consideration for publications elsewhere. All papers should be no less than 4 pages in length and must strictly follow the format of the ICEIPI 2021 Conference template. All papers are subject to reviews and edits. Prospective authors are kindly invited to submit full text papers that includes title, abstract, introduction, tables/figures and references. Other styles of papers are not accepted. Please submit your papers in both .doc/.docx AND .pdf formats as attachments via email to by the given deadline. It is unnecessary to submit an abstract in advance.
All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceeding, which will be distributed to all attendees after the Conference has been held.
Special Statement:
All submissions should be original and unpublished. All submissions must be in English and checked for correct grammar and spelling. The standard paper format and page limits which are listed in the given “Template” should be strictly abided by. Each paper should clearly indicate its technical or scientific contributions and the theme which it belongs to. All submissions will be subject to a double-blind peer review. Papers containing plagiarism in any way, shape or form from any source and/or do not fall into the conference theme will be rejected.
First Round Submission Deadline: December 1, 2020
Regular Submission Deadline: February 25, 2021
Notification of Acceptance: 7-20 workdays
Conference Date: August 8, 2021
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