Call for Submissions
Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction (TEI) 2021
February 14-17, 2021
Salzburg, Austria [see note below]
Paper abstracts due: July 24, 2020
NOTE: “TEI2021 will currently stay on course with the planning of the physical conference in Salzburg, while closely observing the health and travel regulations as well as possible political or financial constraints for the community.” For more information please see
The ACM International Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction (TEI) addresses issues of human-computer interaction, novel tools and technologies, interactive art, and user experience. The work presented at TEI has a strong focus on how computing can bridge atoms and bits into cohesive interactive systems. The intimate size of this single-track conference provides a unique forum for exchanging ideas and presenting innovative work through talks, interactive exhibits, demos, hands-on studios, posters, art installations, and performances.
TEI is sponsored by ACM SIGCHI, who have additional historical data on this conference series on their website.
The theme for TEI2021 is The Art of Interaction, inviting all participants and in particular artists to speculate on a vision of how art impacts, inspires and shapes our research practice. We consider art and the artistic method an important aspect for tangible interaction design, ranging from physical to digital works across all genres, such as interactive installations, performance art, and tangible sculptures. TEI2021 will therefore focus on the further development of the art exhibition & performance track and foster the artistic method through a dedicated artist residency program in Linz and Salzburg.
Papers at TEI present the latest research results in tangible, embedded and embodied interaction. Accepted submissions will be presented as a talk and/or demo during the main conference.
Pictorials at TEI leverage the power of visual communication for physical design objects, documenting tangible research methods and results. Accepted submissions will be presented as a short talk and/or demo during the main conference.
Work-in-Progress at TEI provides a unique opportunity for sharing novel ideas and eliciting feedback on early-stage developments. Accepted submissions will be presented as a demo or poster during the main conference.
The Graduate Student Consortium at TEI allows junior researchers to share experiences and discuss their progress with senior advisors. Accepted students present their work the day before the main conference.
TEI is open for submissions from artists and performers exploring the art of interaction with tangible and embodied interfaces. Accepted submissions will be exhibited at Kunstraum 5020 and/or performed during the first evening of the main conference. TEI2021 offers the special opportunity of an artist residency program in Salzburg and Linz.
Studios at TEI are a collaborative format providing hands-on experiences engaging with materials, methods and design practice. Accepted studios will take place during the day before the main conference.
The Student Design Challenge at TEI invites students to contribute physical examples of their craft to the TEI2021 Swatchbook, compiling their experiments, expertise and approaches. Accepted submissions will participate in a final competition taking place after the conference dinner.
Abstract: July 24, 2020
Paper: August 7, 2020
Abstract: September 25, 2020
Pictorial: October 2, 2020*
Art & Performances:
Submission: September 25, 2020*
Submission: October 16, 2020*
Graduate Student Consortium:
Submission: October 16, 2020*
Submission: October 16, 2020*
Student Design Challenge:
Submission: November 20, 2020*
* Deadline times are midnight Anywhere on Earth (AoE)
Martin Kaltenbrunner, University of Art and Design Linz
Martin Murer, University of Salzburg
Katrin Wolf, Beuth University of Applied Sciences, Berlin
Ian Oakley, UNIST, Ulsan
For more please see
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