Call for Papers
IMX 2020
ACM International Conference on Interactive Media Experiences
17 -19 June 2020
TVX / IMX is the leading international conference for presentation and discussion of research into interactive media experiences. The conference brings together international researchers and practitioners from a wide range of disciplines, ranging from human-computer interaction, multimedia engineering and design to media studies, media psychology and sociology.
- Submission deadline: 24/01/2020
- First Decision Notification: 19/02/2020
- Call for mentoring program: 07/01/2020
- Rebuttals Submission: 28/02/2020
- Final Decision Notification: 13/03/2020
- Camera Ready Version (for Industry Talks): 01/04/2020
- Online submission: PCS submission system
- Selection: Double-Blind Review Process + Rebuttal
The ACM International Conference on Interactive Media Experiences (IMX, formerly TVX) focuses on challenges and innovations across diverse forms of media engagement and experiences. The aim is to provoke and promote discussion and the sharing of exciting ideas amongst researchers, industry practitioners and the academic community in all forms of media: VR, AR, MR, XR, 360°, live-streaming, online media content, authoring and production, as well as TV. We encourage authors to submit their novel research findings in analyzing, developing, creating, installing, evaluating, critiquing or distributing interactive media experiences. Possible topics of interest include:
- Understanding audience interests and their related interaction with content
- Developing new content forms and formats and media/video‑centric experiences
- Analysing and developing underlying technologies and systems
- critiquing and creating production tools and workflows
- Exploring the use and implications of AI and machine learning (e.g. in social media, media analytics, etc…)
- Developing innovative business models and marketing techniques
- Understanding wider social and cultural contexts
- Designing and showcasing experimental media art experiences
More details about topics are available at
All submissions should follow the ACM guidelines. There is a single submission paper format (in previous years there were both long and short papers in the main paper track). We invite the submission of anonymized papers from 5 pages to 10 pages with a 150 word abstract using the current ACM template (for LaTeX or Word). References do not count in the page count but all other content (figures, tables, headers, etc.) are included in the total page count. Authors must also specify the key area of the submission (out of the areas indicated in the conference topics) and keywords.
The committee will take into account the selected length of papers when evaluating the validity and strength of the contribution (read: shorter submissions are welcome).
Double-blind Review
Please prepare your paper in a way that preserves the anonymity of the authors as otherwise the paper will be immediately rejected. This includes removing (rather than obscuring) authors’ names below the title, avoiding phrases such as ‘our previous work’ when referring to earlier publications, removing acknowledgment information (e.g., co-workers and grant IDs), or providing links to websites or media platforms that may identify the authors.
Material submitted to the ACM International Conference on Interactive Media Experiences must be original. By submitting a manuscript to the conference, the authors guarantee it has not been previously published, or accepted for publication in substantially similar form. No paper containing significant overlap can be submitted to other conferences or journals during the review period. Please view the basic ACM policies; these are subjective measures left to the interpretation and judgment of the reviewers and committee members.
Papers are expected to significantly contribute to the field of interactive media experiences. The contribution has to be original, novel, and identify how it advances the state-of-the-art (citing the most appropriate references). The paper should be concise, coherently structured, well-written and straightforward to understand. In addition, the paper must detail the methodology used for answering the research questions, justify its appropriateness, and ensure the validity of the presented results and findings.
Content will be rigorously reviewed by members of the program committee and peer experts. Each paper will receive feedback in the form of at least three peer review reports.
The final selection will be made by the Technical Program Committee based on the review reports, rebuttal, and meta-review. The program committee reserves the right to ask authors for specific changes as a precondition to publication.
AUTHORS TAKE NOTE: The official publication date is the date the proceedings are made available in the ACM Digital Library. This date may be up to two weeks prior to the first day of the actual conference. The official publication date affects the deadline for any patent filings related to published work.
Authors of accepted papers must give an oral presentation of their work at the conference. At least one author must register to attend the conference to give this presentation.
Accepted paper submissions will be published in the main conference proceedings, indexed by the ACM Digital Library.
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