Call for Papers:
Universal Access in the Information Society International Journal
Special issue: New trends in HCI for improving communication, education and integration of people with disabilities
Guest Editors:
Julio Abascal, University of the Basque Country, Spain (
Myriam Arrue, University of the Basque Country, Spain (
Nestor Garay-Vitoria, University of the Basque Country, Spain (
Submission deadline: 15th January 2020
The impact of the information technologies and the expansion of the Internet are rapidly changing the way in which information and services are accessed by people, as well as the way they share information and communicate with friends, relatives, teachers, colleagues, etc.
Human-Computer Interaction has always paid attention to the specific characteristics and needs of people with disabilities. Research in digital accessibility has helped people with functional limitations to use computers and, through them, to enhance their possibilities for living autonomously and for social integration. Conversely, advances in this area have been useful for mainstream applications and devices.
This special issue is motivated by the need of reviewing and discussing the continuous advancements in this area.
The aim of this special issue is to review current trends in HCI research applied to improve independent living of people with disabilities, mainly in the areas of education and computer mediated communication.
Contributions are invited on the latest research on Human-Computer interaction methods and techniques applied to help people with disabilities to improve their communication education and integration. This includes accessible user interface design, accessibility evaluation tools and results, computer mediated education of children with disabilities, etc.
Deadline for submission of papers: 15th January 2020.
Notification of acceptance: 28th February 2020.
Deadline for submission of accepted papers: 15th March 2020.
Selected papers from the INTERACCION 2019 conference ( will be invited. The updated version must significantly extend the original one (about 50%). Their presentation at the INTERACCION 2019 will not guarantee publication. Only papers that have passed blind review as well as screening by the guest editor and the journal’s editorial staff will be accepted.
This special issue will also include original research contributions focused on the new trends in HCI for improving education, integration and communication of people with special needs.
Please, refer to the “Submission guidelines/Instructions for authors” section on the Website of the UAIS journal, Typical manuscript length is 20-30 pages.
Manuscripts must be submitted through the Springer Editorial Management System available at
During the submission process, please select the name of this special issue in the section ‘Select Article Type’.
All papers will be peer-reviewed by two reviewers who are experts in the field, appointed by the Guest Editors of this special issue in consultation with the Editors-in-Chief of the journal.
Submission of an article implies that:
- the work described has not been published before, except in the form of an abstract or as part of a published lecture, review, or thesis;
- it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere.
For further information, please refer to the “Ethics and Disclosures” section on the website of the UAIS journal.
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