Call: 1st Workshop on Human Technologies and Interaction Design in Outer Space (SpaceUX’19)

Call for Papers, Abstracts, Demos and Posters

1st Workshop on Human Technologies and Interaction Design in Outer Space (SpaceUX’19)
in conjunction with OzCHI’19 (
2nd December – 5th December
Perth/Fremantle, WA, AUSTRALIA

Workshop Highlights:

  • Workshop proceedings published in a Scopus indexed series
  • Best papers are published as part of a journal special issue with high level publisher
  • Submission deadline (abstracts): 20th October 2019

Outer space is steadily evolving as a site of human-computer interactions. With the ongoing investments of state and private companies in space exploration, these interactions and their design are becoming increasingly crucial for the unfolding of our futures on and beyond the globe. Yet outside the Earth, our relations with technologies necessitate situational adjustments, requiring a range of adaptive strategies designed to negotiate the extreme extra-terrestrial. While the domain of human-computer-interaction adopted methods from spaceflight as e.g. the NASA Task Load Index (TLX), in this workshop we especially consider ways in which the setting of outer space provides a testing ground for new forms of designing and performing human-computer interactions. Through a range of examples, we will explore the nuances emerging amidst exchanges between humans, technologies and space environments, and address them from a range of different research perspectives.


  • HCI Methods, Tools and Techniques for SpaceUX
  • Applications and Business in SpaceUX
  • User Research, Usability, and Interface Design for SpaceUX
  • Emerging Technologies in UX Suitable for SpaceUX
  • SpaceUX Methods applied in Other Domains
  • Human Performance in Space
  • VR, Mixed/Augmented Reality and Popular Space Experiences
  • Sociotechnical Networks and HCI in Space
  • Histories and Futures of HCI in Space

The workshop proceedings will be published in a Scopus indexed proceedings series with an ISBN number as part of the Semantic Ambient Media Experience (SAME) workshop series. The very best contributions will be published in a journal special issue, which will be arranged prior the workshop.

However, during the workshop a common journal article co-authored between all workshop participants will be published as an introduction chapter.


October 20, 2019: Deadline for workshop position papers
October 27, 2019: Notification of accepted workshop papers
November 31, 2019: Camera ready workshop papers
December 02, 2019: Workshop Day


The workshop program stretches over a half-day, and will contain a combination of invited keynote presentations, oral presentations, posters, and demonstrations. We are calling for paper submissions of extended abstracts between 2-5 pages long, following the submission format of OzCHI’s style template.

Please download the paper template from:

The copyright form can be downloaded from:

Your submission should include: scanned signed copyright form + original contribution in word or latex + pdf of the paper. Please do NOT include the ACM copyright strip (first page, bottom left) into your submission.

Add ALL your files (copyright form, word document/latex files, scanned copyright form) into ONE zip file.

Upload the zip file to the workshop submission system on: in the category SPACEUX.


Katarina Damjanov
University of Western Australia (UWA)

Artur Lugmayr
Curtin University


In case of questions, please don’t hesitate to contact:


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