[Follow the link for more Calls for presence-related special sections in BJET. –Matthew]
Call for Papers
Immersive Virtual Reality in Education
Special section in British Journal of Educational Technology (BJET)
Abstracts due: 30 September 2019
Guest editors
Associate Professor Matt Bower (Macquarie University, Australia)
Associate Professor Morris Siu-Yung Jong (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Recently there has been a proliferation of Immersive Virtual Reality (IVR) apps and hardware that has made the use of IVR in educational settings more accessible to students and teachers. The advent of Google Cardboard and other smartphone headsets means that IVR educational experiences can now be integrated into the classroom using free or low-cost learning apps. Head Mounted Displays (HMDs), Cave Automatic Virtual Environments (CAVEs), and all-in-one untethered IVR headsets such as Oculus GoTM and QuestTM provide other opportunities for students to experience IVR environments for the purposes of learning.
However, research into the pedagogical efficacy of utilising IVR in education has not kept pace with technological developments or usage in educational settings. That means educators and researchers do not have the evidence base they need to determine how and why to use IVR for learning and teaching purposes. Accordingly, this Special Section calls for analytical and critical research papers that can provide a more in-depth, comprehensive and focused understanding of IVR use in education.
While the primary focus of this special section is to provide empirical evidence for how and why to use IVR in education, high quality critical and theoretical submissions will also be welcomed. Possible topics include, but are not limited to:
- Large-scale studies investigating the efficacy of IVR in education
- Comparative studies of IVR versus traditional or less immersive technological approaches
- Purposefully designed IVR case studies aimed at addressing theoretical or conceptual issues of importance to educators and researchers
- Studies that examine how different design features of IVR environments and different implementation approaches impact on learning outcomes and the student experience
- Empirical studies examining the potentials and constraints surrounding the use of IVR to support collaboration, internationalisation, accessibility, inclusion and students with special needs
- The impact of embodiment and immersion on learning outcomes and experiences
- Systematic examination of physiological, psychological, logistical, pedagogical, institutional and other issues relating to the use of IVR for learning and teaching
- Meta-analyses or other systematic reviews of IVR in education that provide a comprehensive and nuanced portrayal of the current state-of-the-art
- Theoretical frameworks for analysing or conceptualising IVR in education
- Critical perspectives on IVR in education
- Teachers’ roles in the educational use of IVR
The submission process will involve an initial call for abstracts to establish the suitability of the proposed paper for the special section and the capacity of the authorial team to produce a high quality publication in the timeframe. Authors of accepted abstracts will then be invited to submit a full paper for the special section. Note that abstract acceptance does not guarantee acceptance of the final paper – all papers will be subject to a rigorous peer review process.
Researchers interested in publishing in this BJET Special Section on “Immersive Virtual Reality in Education” should submit a ONE-page proposal that includes:
- A working title
- A draft abstract of approximately 200 words
- Draft practitioner notes for the paper that include brief information about what is already known about the topic, what the paper adds, and the implications for practice and/or policy (for the structure of the practitioner notes see the BJET author guidelines at https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/page/journal/14678535/homepage/forauthors.html
- Author names, institutions, email addresses
- An indication of any progress to date (additional evidence may be attached)
- Abstracts due: 30th Sep 2019
- Notification of abstract evaluation: 28th Oct 2019
- Manuscript Submissions Deadline: 10th Feb 2020
- Manuscript Acceptance: 10th August 2020
- Publication online as soon as copy editing is complete
- Publication: November 2020
Proposals to matt.bower@mq.edu.au
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