Call for Papers
8th Workshop Automotive HMI: User Interface Research in the Age of New Digital Realities
Colocated with MuC (Mensch-Computer-Interaction) 2019 (
September 8, 2019 (9AM-5PM)
Hamburg, Germany
Submission deadline: June 6, 2019
Even though many aspects of automated driving have not yet become true, many human factors issues have already been investigated. However, recent discussions revealed common misconceptions in both research and society about vehicle automation and the levels of automation. This might be due to the fact that automated driving functions are mis-named (cf. Autopilot) and that vehicles integrate functions at different automation levels (L1 lane keeping assistant, L2/L3 traffic jam assist, L4 valet parking). The user interface is one of the most critical issues in the interaction between humans and vehicles – and diverging mental models might be a major challenge here. Today’s (manual) vehicles are ill-suited for appropriate HMI testing for automated vehicles. Instead, virtual or mixed reality might be a much better playground to test new interaction concepts in an automated driving setting. In this workshop, motivated by the conference theme, we will look into the potential of new digital realities for concepts, visualizations, and experiments in the car, e.g. by replacing all the windows with displays or transferring the entire environment into a VR world. We are further interested in discussing novel forms of interaction (speech, gaze-based interaction, gestures) and information displays to support the driver/passenger.
The main goal of the workshop is to discuss challenges and opportunities in automotive user interface research, such as mental models, misuse of terms, intransparency, etc. that might hinder or support the application on a broader basis. In particular, we are highly interested in radical innovative ideas for future HMI research in virtual/mixed VR/MR reality.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- User interface concepts to foster trust and acceptance (for example, transparency displays) for the different levels of automation
- Futuristic (virtual/mixed reality) concepts of shared control, vehicle interior, and in-vehicle non-driving-related
- User experience design for automated vehicles
- Personalization of vehicle behavior and interfaces
- Approaches that support situation awareness through design
We welcome CONTRIBUTIONS from both academia and industry in either GERMAN or ENGLISH language!
Contributions are welcome in various forms including scientific papers reporting user study results, theoretical concept papers, futuristic visions or design concepts. We accept long (6-10 pages) and short papers (2-4 pages) addressing one or multiple of the topics described above. Templates for LaTeX/Word/Overleaf (same as for the main conference) can be found at
Papers have to be submitted on or before the submission deadline June 6, 2019 using ConfTool ( Accepted papers will be invited for presentation at the workshop and will be included in the MuC 2019 workshop proceedings. Accompanying videos, demonstrators of automotive HMI systems or other media are explicitly desired.
- Submission deadline: June 6, 2019
- Notification of acceptance: July 5, 2019
- Final version due: July 12, 2019
- Workshop at MuC: Sunday, September 8, 2019 (9AM-5PM)
Andreas Riener (Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt)
Stefan Geisler (Hochschule Ruhr West)
Bastian Pfleging (Eindhoven University of Technology)
Tamara von Sawitzky (Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt)
Henrik Detjen (Hochschule Ruhr West)
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