Call: “AI and ubiquitous smart technologies” issue of Evental Aesthetics

Call for Papers:

Evental Aesthetics
Themed issue: AI and ubiquitous smart technologies

Deadline: 31 March 2019

Evental Aesthetics is an independent, double-blind peer-reviewed journal dedicated to philosophical and aesthetic intersections. The journal is open-access, and there are no publication fees. The Editors seek submissions for a themed issue in the summer of 2019.

Traditional conceptual distinctions between online and offline worlds are losing their explanatory grip. For half of the global population, being connected on a range of smart portable devices is now part and parcel of everyday experience and practices. So much so that it seems no longer appropriate to ask how the Internet mediates and represents the ‘real’ world but rather, how virtually all of experience and practice is now, in some shape or form, mediated by the Internet – at least for those of us who can plug in and log on.

The growing pervasiveness of AI and neural networks, the ubiquity of smart devices, the increasing appification of social worlds and the Internet of Things pose unique challenges, but also opportunities for philosophy, art and cultural criticism. How do ubiquitous network technologies enable new forms of interaction and experience but perhaps compromise others? We seek submissions that reflect on the complex relationships between contemporary technologies of connectivity and experience, the aesthetics of the everyday, expression, social practices and utopias of the future.

Topics may address (but are not limited to):

  • Aesthetics of place: smart homes in smart cities
  • The Internet of Things in everyday practices
  • Appification & social interaction
  • AI, creativity and artistic production
  • Extended minds & entangled bodies
  • Gendered virtual assistants and chat bots
  • Tracking, surveillance and social control
  • Algorithmic bias & the digital divide

Topics may be freely interpreted. However, all submissions must address philosophical matters, broadly construed. We welcome articles (4,000-8,000 words) and Collisions (1,000-2,500 words). Collisions are brief responses to aesthetic experiences that raise philosophical questions, pointing the way towards suggestive discussions.

Submission and formatting requirements, along with further information on Collisions, are available at Submissions that do not meet our requirements will not be considered. With questions not addressed by the EA website, please contact the Editors.


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