Call for Papers
11th International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Modeling and Using Context
8-11 September 2019
Trento, Italy
First submission deadline: 15 April 2019
The CONTEXT conference series has brought together researchers and practitioners from a wide range of disciplines and industries to present their work related to issues of context, contextual reasoning and context-awareness to discuss commonalities and diversities in the different disciplinary approaches. It is unique in focusing on context as a subject of study in its own right, and it has become one of the top venues for context-related research.
CONTEXT 2019 is the 11th conference in the series and takes place in the wonderful region of Trento, where 20 years ago the international conference was held after the pioneering launch event in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) in 1997. As in the tradition of the series, submissions are invited from a wide range of disciplines, including artificial intelligence, computer science, context-aware applications, ubiquitous computing, cognitive science and psychology, social and organizational sciences, linguistics, philosophy, and various application areas, including (but not limited to) finance, medicine & healthcare, virtual and augmented reality, food, sport, business intelligence, big data analytics, education & e-learning, law. All accepted papers must be accessible also to non-specialists, for example, by providing accessible discussions of the disciplinary prerequisites to allow those outside the discipline to understand the work.
Papers of broad interdisciplinary interest will be presented in plenary sessions; all other papers will be presented in disciplinary sessions. A short paper describing each poster will appear in the conference proceedings, and some of the participants of the doctoral consortium will be invited to present a poster. Panels will bring together distinguished researchers in various fields to discuss interdisciplinary issues in modeling and using context. Best Paper and other awards, to be highlighted in the proceedings, will be conferred at the closing ceremony.
For CONTEXT-2019, we warmly invite two special categories of papers:
Papers which offer a deep retrospective view
of how context had an impact
in scientific and technological research
and applications since CONTEXT-99.
Papers which offer a game-changing vision
of how context can lead to disruptive innovation
in the next 20 years (“let’s meet again in 2039”).
Accepted papers will be published by an international publishing company. Some papers will be selected for a special issue in the “Modeling and Using Context” journal (
Papers will be submitted electronically using the EasyChair website.
Papers cannot exceed 14 pages in the Springer LNAI format.
Note that you will be asked to propose a type of session you think the more adapted to your submission. If it is not possible or the technical committee decide that your submission can be accepted for another type of session, you will be informed at the notification moment.
CONTEXT-2019 will not accept any paper which, at the time of submission, is under review for, has been accepted by, or appears in any other journal or conference.
Workshop Submission: 15 April 2019
Notification to Workshop Proposals: 18 April 2019
Research and Industrial Papers Submission: 15 April 2019
Notification to Authors: 20 May 2019
Poster Submission: 27 May 2019
Poster Acceptance Notification: 14 June 2019
Final Paper Versions Due: 27 May 2019
End of Early Registration: 14 July 2019
Conference Dates
Workshops: 8 September 2019
Doctoral Consortium: 9 September 2019
Technical Program: 9-11 September 2019
Paolo Bouquet, Conference Chair
Gábor Bella, Programme Chair
Mattia Fumagalli, Workshop Chair
Patrick Brézillon, Steering Committee Chair
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